Hi there

I thought I’d say hi again. Sorry for the relatively sudden disappearance a while back, but when you have to prioritize time, hobbies end up suffering the most.

I hope I can spend a little more time in the forum again. Brewing and geeky stuff in isolation is not as much fun.


let me be the first to welcome you back

welcome back


I’m glad you are back. I look forward to some geekiness and picking your brain on thoughts. Just remember moderation!

I can’t wait to see what you have been up to.

And me the second. We have missed your invaluable feedback !

Awesome!!! I wondered what had happened to you…

Welcome back Kai.

Long time no see…

Welcome back Kai!  :slight_smile:

Good to have you back. There have been several posts of people wondering of your whereabouts.

Hey Kai, welcome back!

I just so happen to be using your Munich Dunkel recipe this weekend and my first decoction mash.

Welcome back, Kai!

Welcome back!

Thanks guys.

I have been doing some brewing stuff, even experiments. The latest ones have to do with fermentation performance. After I brew a batch of beer I take about 2l of the left over wort and ferment them in 500 ml flasks with different stuff added or under different condition. The amount of beer for each fermentation is enough to make one bottle of beer each. My blog has the only 2 experiments I have done so far:


I have a few ideas for more.

I also have been invited to talk at the ANHC in Australia this year. Preparing presentations is a real chore, though.


Welcome back to time wasting!

Welcome back. You have been missed!

I will proceed to spend some time reading the blog entry on zinc.  :wink:

Good to see you back.

Good to have you back. I can’t keep these a$$hats in line any longer. I give them to you.

hey kai…wb

Great to see you back on the forum! We all feel a little more intelligent as a result.

or a little less, as the case may be. ;D