Came across this and figured I would share it (guilty I bought 2 and I want him to get funded so I get the fermenters instead of my money back.) It seems pretty decent… pretty simple… Stainless steel vessel that seals up airtight and has hole for an airlock. A stainless steel bucket basically for $125. (as of posting this there is still 1 $105 on left.)
Nice. I kept reading it as the fermenter was $525. But that’s what he’s raised of his goal. $125 is much more reasonable. If I wasn’t already invested in fermenting in low profile kegs and brewing larger than 4 gallon batches, I’d be interested. Hope he makes it.
Yeah the price point is the main draw for me. All of my primary fermenters are stainless except for 2 plastic conicals I use. I just like the durability of stainless over plastic and the fact it doesn’t absorb aromas etc… Who knows if he’ll get funded or not… It is a ‘fixed funding’ campaign so if he doesn’t reach his goal the money is automatically refunded to you. Though I will be without my $ for the next 44 days.
Well, good luck. I’m happy with fermenting 4 gallon batches in 5 gallon low profile kegs. They’ve got a bit better of a fermenter geometry than standard kegs. That is, if the fermenter geometry theory is to be believed for the taller, slimmer fermenters…
I like being able to move my beer under pressure to the serving keg and I never have to open the lid, unless I dry hop.
Yeah I have 2 of the 10 gallon kegs I do 5-6 gallon batches in. It is nice to use with a spunding valve to do pressurized fermentation.
I may someday get into pressurized fermenting. I wonder if that would have any thing to do with how German breweries have that distinct flavor, because they let the beer carbonate as it’s finishing up in the primary. Seems doubtful, but I’m having a hell of a time trying to get that flavor in my beer.
only 14 days left to go on this… 66% of the way there… going to be close unless there are people on the fence that are going to go on the last couple days… Hoping it gets funded so it goes through… I could really use a couple more stainless fermenters and I really like the dimensions of these vs say a 10 gallon milk can which I can get for about the same price used from ebay…
so yes… shameless bump/push for selfish reasons ;D
I hope they make it. There needs to be more affordable stainless steel fermenter options on the market. I just makes sense…
Yeah for me it’s just a good bucket replacement that doesn’t need to have too much care done for it like a plastic bucket does. With bucket fermenter I always feel like I spend so much effort trying to get the aromas and flavors they absorb out of them…and it’s creepy to think of something as ‘clean’ when it still smells like what was previously in it even after weeks of multiple soakings with cleaner.
They way I figure it a 7.9 gallon bucket + lid is $22-25. So this is 4-5x as much as they are right up front. But since it shouldn’t ever need to be replaced and it doesn’t take as much effort to keep clean and flavor free… that’s the main benefits of fermenting in stainless to me. My current ‘fleet’ of stainless fermenters is all oddball stuff… 14.5 gallon stout conical, 2 10 gallon corny kegs, 2 14 gallon futsi tanks, and then a few half barrel sankey kegs… The sanke kegs work well but they are a pain to clean truth be told…
You make a good argument. I think I’ll lay down the money for one. Never done a bucket fermentation. Don’t like the long plastic contact, scratchability, etc. And I’m really getting tired of jamming additions through narrow carboy necks.
I do use glass carboys for secondary fermentation (mostly with meads) but for primary the wide opening is nice… especially for a mead when you’re adding lots of nutrients and degassing frequently I find.
That’s a re-purposed stainless steel milk transport can.
Hmmm…that designation is not so alluring. Looks like with a week to go, funding is at 80%. Anyone who is on the fence and low on milk cans, jump on in! The wort is fine.
you mean like this?
Yes on his thread on HBT he states it is indeed just a slightly modified milk can. He said he’s using the manufactures template with a custom height, volume, and lid. I have not seen any new milk cans for this price… so that’s why I actually bit. I like the dimensions of it as it’s bigger than a 5 gallon can (which I can’t ferment a full batch in) but smaller than a 10 gallon can and I can fit it in my chest freezer still (damn compressor hump).
I guess you need to drill a 12mm hole in the lid for the air lock.
For sure that would make it a perfectly fine fermenter and basically the same as one of these… albeit at a higher price. There is certainly nothing new or innovative about the campaign. It’s just a cheap stainless container to ferment in. Nothing more nothing less lol.

For sure that would make it a perfectly fine fermenter and basically the same as one of these… albeit at a higher price. There is certainly nothing new or innovative about the campaign. It’s just a cheap stainless container to ferment in. Nothing more nothing less lol.
Not really innovative? True. Well, I’ll still be buying this glorified milk can adaptation for homebrew fermentation assuming it all goes through.
Someone trying to be witty might just call it cow tested, homebrewer approved.
Okay, I did my part. I already have more gear than I need, but that’s a good price. If this project gets funded, I will sell the Speidel 30L that I have yet to use. The 30L is way too big for my standard primary volume, which is 3.5 gallons. I did not purchase the 20L because I make a few 5.5-gallon batches a year, and I thought that the 20L would be too small.
yeah that’s how I chose to look at it. It is what it is and it’s cheaper than I can buy it elsewhere (at least without looking around for ‘deals’ on used stuff on ebay or locally)