Whats happening to my wort?!

Ok… On Thursday I brewed up the Belgian Tickle Ale from Charlie’s Homebrewers Companion. I used WLP500. My OG was 1.060 (book says 1.066-1.070) It took a few hours for the yeast to become active, but all seemed to be going well. Now the wort appears to be a milky golden color, not clear at all. Is this just the yeast kicking around? Should i expect it to clear after the primary is finished? It smells great but looks like “honey milk”.

The wort will definitely be cloudy as the fermentation progresses.  As the primary fermentation finishes the yeast will flocculate out and the beer will clear.  Of course, the amount of clearing will depend on how good of a flocculator the yeast is.  If it doesn’t flocculate as well as you like you can cold condition it for a few days.

Happy Brewing,

I love to watch a really active fermentation. Sometimes it looks like six hungry piranas fighting over the last vienna sausage.

Thanks gentlemen!  I thought this was the case… I’ve made a few batches now… but this was my first attempt with the White Labs liquid yeast…I’ll be using it from now on! From what i’ve read is has low to medium flocculation, so cold conditioning may be the next step.Thanks again!

Well, so far so good, I put the beer into another carboy for it’s secondary fermentation yesterday. I realized that when i took my OG… it was at apprx 75 degrees F. To be consistent, I followed suit and took another during transfer and it read 1.010. According to my instructions with the Hydrometer, i’m supposed to add .003 if it’s read at that temp, which would make the OG 1.063 and the last 1.013… I hope that’s right… Anyway it smells and tastes INCREDIBLE… i cannot WAIT to bottle this one!