IPA recipe help

I’m thinking about brewing this IPA recipe.  It will be a 6 gallon batch around 1.064 and 62 IBUs:

13 lbs 8.0 oz Pale Malt
12.0 oz Munich Malt
8.0 oz Crystal  40L
8.0 oz Victory
1.00 oz Galena (60 min)
1.00 oz Chinook (20 min)
0.50 oz Cascade (15 min)
0.50 oz Simcoe (15 min)
0.50 oz Amarillo (0 min)
0.50 oz Centennial (0 min)
1.00 oz Simcoe (Dry Hop 5 days)
2.00 oz Amarillo (Dry Hop 5 days)

Comments, questions, and concerns are greatly appreciated!

I like!

Looks good.  What kind of yeast are you planning to use?

Recipe looks like a solid, tasty ipa.

only thing i might consider doing would be to either increase dry hop time or have a couple different dry hop timeframes
ie dry hop .5oz simcoe, 1oz amarillo days 1-5,
.5oz simcoe, 1oz amarillo days 3-8

something along those lines.  I’ve had great success doing that with my ipa’s.

no necessary changes though.  like I said, it looks quite tasty.

Good Luck!

As far as yeast goes, I’m not sure yet.  Maybe just 1056 or WLP001?  Or would this be a good time to try out Pacman for the first time?

The only thing I want to make sure of is that I get enough pine in this one.  Not too much… but enough to know it is definitely there.

How about a split batch with both yeasts side by side and see what happens?


I recently brewed and split an APA with 1450 and Pacman.  Makes for a nice one to one comparison.

Me too, but I split between Belgian Strong 1388 and US-05.  It’s pretty interesting.

I wouldn’t change a thing.