hey everyone, its my fist recipe so please bring on the criticisms haha. My buddy and I are making it this weekend, and hes a big IPA fan as well. Im trying to make something similar to Victorys dirtwolf.

14lbs pale maris otter
1lb cara-pils\dextrine
1lb caramel\crystal malt

1oz chinook 60mins
1oz mosaic  45 mins
1.5oz simcoe 30mins
1 oz chinook  5 mins
1 oz mosaic    5 mins
1.5 oz simcoe  dry hop 12 days
2 oz citra        dry hop 12 days
1.5oz mosaic  dry hop 9 days
1 oz chinook  dry hop 3 days
1 oz mosaic  dry hop  3 days

california ale yeast

est OG 1.084

est effic. 70%

mash in 152 F
mash out 168 F

please let me know if you need more information…I couldnt figure out how to attach a recipe from beersmith

12% crystal is way too much IMHO. I’d substitute some other base malt like Vienna, Munich, or Biscuit, or just reduce the crystal.

Other than that, assuming you’re going for a double IPA (this’ll be about 9% ABV), it looks pretty good. I’d move the Mosaic addition from 45 min to somewhere near the end of the boil - you won’t get much flavor from a >30 min addition. And probably no reason to dry hop for 12 days.

Dirt Wolf is one of the best DIPAs I’ve had in awhile - love it.  I think you’re on the right track. Part of what makes it so good is the high attenuation, ie., drinkability. Many DIPAs have a cloying sweetness I don’t care for, as well as not necessarily a much more aggressive hop schedule than AIPA. Therefore I would mash @ 149 or 150F for 75 minutes, to get a drinkable FG.  I would also limit or drop the carapils, to help attenuate thoroughly - that amount of base malt and caramel malt will leave plenty of malt character. I would limit the caramel/crystal to no more than 5 or 6% C40, as it is certainly not an overly ‘caramelly’ beer.
You obviously know what hops are used in the beer, since those 4 varieties are the actual ones used. The one change I would make is to move the 5 minute Chinook and Mosaic additions, in addition to an extra oz each Citra and Simcoe, and do a 45 minute hopstand @ 170F  -  ie., cool your wort to 170F then add the hops and steep, lid on but stirring occasionally, for 45 minutes (hopstands give you EXCELLENT hop flavor, as well as some aroma). Then cool and pitch. I think these changes will have you pretty close.  My $0.02.  Good luck !

EDIT - Forgot - a lb of sugar in place of a lb of base malt is a great idea for DIPA. Commonly done. It will help dry out the finish.

too much crystal malt. I’d drop the carapils and, personally, maybe even the undefined ‘crystal’ malt.

I might use a bit of medium crystal (40ish) but more likely I would let it ride on the MO or use NA pale and some munich.

EDIT TO SAY I have not had the beer in questions, this is general advice… and Sean and Hoosier beat me too it anyway

I like my bigger beers to finish pretty dry. It makes them drinkable in pint or more quantities. I like the feedback you’re getting and would add considering subbing a little cane sugar for some base malt. So maybe 12 lbs MO, 1 1/2 lb cane, limit crystal to ~5% of the total bill, no carapils because there will be plenty of body and foam as is.

thanks for the advice everyone. Since Iam substituting 1lb base malt for 1lb sugar, do I add the sugar in the mash or boil?

The boil.  Let us know how it comes out !

+1 to all of this

One pound of sugar will give you 46 points, you can expect about 27 from a pound of base malt. Not a even trade. I would go 13#'s base malt 1# sugar, 1# crystal, with any necessary increase to o.g. to come from more base malt.  I don’t know that beer, but this will give you a good place to start.

As far as your hop schedule- the boil hops are more in line with an apa for my tastes. Personally I would go with about 10 ounces in the boil and about six for the dry hop in a dipa.  First wort hopping is mandatory for me. Again I don’t know that beer or what you like, but this would be my starting canvas for a dipa.

I should’ve articulated it better. My intention was to have him hit the 1.084 OG using a lb of sugar in the bill, along with 2 row and C40.

EDIT  -  As for the hop schedule, my IPAs don’t bear a whole lot of resemblance to APAs, to say the least. Where I used to use a ton of 15 -0 minute hops in the boil for IPA (and liked the results) , I’ve been experimenting with hopstands for a couple years, which basically move the ‘flavor additions’ to post boil. But I’ll guarantee that an oz each of Simcoe, Mosaic, Chinook, and Citra (all intense, oily hops) steeped for 45 minutes @ 170F, together with his 7 oz of dry hops, will make a beer that is not very APA-like.

Ok, after the great advice, I touched up the recipe a bit.

mash 150F for 75min

13# MO
1# 40L crystal
1# sugar for boil

1oz citra and chinook boil 60 mins

1.5 oz simcoe and 1 oz citra boil 30 mins

1 oz citra,chinook, simcoe, and 2 oz mosaic hopstand @170 45mins

1 oz chinnok dry hop 3 days
1 oz citra dry hop 10 days
1.5 oz mosaic dry hop 10 days
1 oz mosaic dry hop 3 days
1.5 oz simcoe dry hop 10 days

I like it. FWIW, I use 8-12 oz dry hops, with half each in separate 5 day dry hop periods, for IIPA. But you’re pretty near there now. Go for it and report back !

yup. And I would toss the 60 minutes hops in FWH instead. get the bitterness AND some good flavor