"Irish" bitter

Anyone ever use Irish Ale (WLP004) in British style beers?  I ordered some WLP007 and it’s back ordered and I only have about 2 days left to brew before work gets busy so I am going to make a bitter or a mild with a vial of Irish Ale yeast I have.  Probably shoot for 1.040-42 OG because I don’t want to make a starter for this one (or more accurately, it’s is a starter for a higher OG sweet stout I have planned which is why I have the yeast).

Any thoughts or comments on this choice?  Thinking of the following but haven’t ran it through Beersmith yet.

6 lbs Maris Otter
1/2 lb Special Roast
1/4 lb C 45
1/4 lb C 90
1/4 lb Light chocolate (200 SRM)
1 oz EKG at 60 (5%)
1 oz EKG at 15

Edit: Added the light chocolate cause in Beersmith it was looking too pale.

That’s it.

I have not (actually, I typically use Wyeast, so I’ve never used WLP004) but I was just planning my weekend brew and was thinking about doing a side-by-side with my usual stout with 1084 (Irish Ale) and 1968 (London ESB) to see how they come out.

I don’t see why you couldn’t make a great mild with Irish ale yeast.  It may be fruitier?  But lots of the English ale yeast are fruity, too.

Keep the temps down (<65) and it will create a great bitter.  004 gets a little fruitier than 007 at higher temps but, unless the 004 vial is REAL fresh, go ahead and make a 1 liter starter about 24hrs before you pitch :smiley:
