Irish Moss

Never used Irish Moss before, plan on using.

Any difference between flakes and powder ?, besides amount to use.


The only difference worth mentioning is whether the powder has any other compounds added. Sometimes they have other sources of carageenan and other compounds to make it work more effectively.

I have the flakes and they work fine without any help.

Tried both powder and regular irish moss, didn’t really see an improvement, if any.
My brews range from slightly hazy to clear without irish moss.
Since I don’t mind a haze, ditching irish moss, one less thing to do.

Bottles are conditioned/aged on a cold basement floor for about 1 1/2 - 2 months.


I never noticed a difference, but then I tried Whirlfloc and stayed with that for convenience.  I use a pill splitter to break in half for 5 gallon batches and use a full tab for 10 gallon batches.

The flakes are pure carrageenan (Irish Moss) and should either be rehydrated or added with about 30 minutes remaining in the boil. Whirlfloc contains ingredients other than Irish Moss and is added with 10 or 15 minutes remaining, depending on who you ask.

I have had better luck using Whirfloc tablets over Irish Moss.  And, following a recommendation from a previous post, I get by using half a tablet in a 5 gallon batch!!

I’ll follow the heard on this one, and try Wirlfloc tablets.

Thanks all

Or 5 min if you ask the company that makes it

I have done a couple split boils to test IM against Whirlfloc. Didn’t see any difference, but I stick with Whirlfloc for convenience.

Are your beers crystal clear ?


Some are, some aren’t. The Whirlfloc helps, but it’s not a magic wand. PH and a number of other factors probaboy matter more. But Whirlfloc is a valuable tool in the toolbox. Bottom line, I think of it as cheap insurance.

I noticed a pretty big difference using whirlfloc on my English bitters when compared to not using it at all it works pretty well for me and clears the beer up quite a bit quicker.

I don’t think boil time is very important. On Sunday I brewed a lager, at 10 minutes to go I was about to add Whirlfloc when my propane ran out.  I dropped in the tablet, stirred until dissolved, and called it done.  The wort going into the fermenter was crystal clear.