I haven’t found Whirlfloc to work better than IM, but I keep using it anyway. The manufacturer says 1 tab is good for 12 gal. and should be added 5 min. before the end of boil.
I used a whole whirlfloc tab in my last 5 gal batch and ended up with about 2 inches of trub. I think 1/2 tab for the next batch. Thanks sort-h.o.g. for that info.
Yeah, 1/2 tab for 5 gallons. Fwiw the commercial instructions are “about 50 tablets per 10 bbls” and they recommend upping the dosage on higher gravity worts.
I used to use both, but haven’t for a while because I’m not sure it really matters for me since I lift and dump my wort into the carboy instead of draining from a valve. And also, I agitate my chiller when it gets to about 70-80F to mix the wort more and chill faster. So I’m not sure it even helps to use the stuff for me. But maaaaaybe it does…hmmm.