Is lagering necessary?

I remember reading something about this a while back, but I can’t find the thread anymore. Anyway, I can get down to 10-11 C without much effort, but as I don’t have room for a chest freezer and the non-freezer alternatives cost $$$$$ here, can I skip lagering all together? Or, can I just keep them at 10-11, or perhaps 4-5 C instead of 0.5/1c? Is the point of the really low temp just to encourage floculation / try to clear the beer?

If you can hold 10C during fermentation, then you will have a nice, clean lager character to your beers.  Also, 4C is plenty for long term lagering and storage.  Absolute temperatures are more important than duration for commercial lagering, but the only advantage to near freezing temps is that yeast flocculate faster. Time is money, and going colder is better than waiting.  With the temps you described, you should be able to make yourself some tasty lagers.

Great, because I’m brewing tomorrow! :slight_smile:

In the summer here in the Midwest, I use my lager chest for lagering and fermenting at the same time, so I often leave my lagering kegs in with a fermenting keg for a month or more.  But, that said, I tend to lager on the cooler side (46-50F or 7-10C).  Then I chill and carbonate for a week before serving (sometimes first doing another keg to keg transfer if I think there is a lot of yeast that has fallen out during the lagering).

Lager away, my friend - now is the time for those nice late winter/early spring lagers to be born.