Is this infected?

hi all-

I recently made a pale ale, which looked and smelled wonderful while fermenting and when I bottled it. I pulled one out yesterday to try it, and noticed that after bottle conditioning, they all have these tiny specks on the sides and floating in the beer. I opened one anyway, and it smelled fine and tasted fine, so I can’t tell if it’s infected. It also seems like the spots are only sticking to one side of the bottle, which seemed weird since they were stored upright.
While I am new to brewing, I’ve brewed a few batches before and I have a good cleaning and sanitizing regimen. I don’t know if this may be an issue, but this was my first time using pbw to clean before sanitizing. Maybe I didn’t rinse thoroughly enough?

I know it looks like bubbles in the image, but they slowly sink when they detached from the side.

Might be yeast articles that haven’t settled out yet.  Was this bottle chilled for a few days before opening?

No it’s been at room temperature for two weeks. I put a few bottles in the fridge though, so maybe that will help?

If the beer tastes good it’s not infected. It’s probably yeast stuck to the side of the bottle.

Pedantically, all beer is infected.  But is it contaminated?

Infection implies uncontrolled and negative. Inoculated would be more correct.

I’m just going by what I was told by a microbilogist.

I am pretty sure there are no unwanted life forms in the OP’s beer.

Thanks for the insight! I’ll let them chill for a couple days and then try again

Maybe he/she meant that all beer has some level of bacteria or wild yeast contamination.

It looks like dusty yeast hanging on to the sides of the bottle.

Try this…

Hold each bottle from the top/cap and give each a quick swirl to dislodge the particles. They should settle out better after this.

Then pop a few in the fridge for at least 24 hrs to absorb all the CO2, and DRINK AWAY!!

Damn you and your big words! I swear I need a dictionary every time I read one of your posts.  >:(

I is educational…

I is educational…


Yes you am. Keep up the good work.