Jack fruit ale

Anybody ever brew a beer with Jack Fruit from Asia?

Neighbor got one and while a huge PITA to get the meat it tastes like a blend of pineapple, mango and banana, not sweet and kind of dense.

Thinking a session ale with a secondary, with aroma flavor hops that emulate similar flavors for dry hop and late additions.

Never brewed with it, but tasted it, and was not really impressed.  And you’re right, it’s a bear to deal with.

Go with the light ale as you figured, but back off on the hops to let the fruit flavors come in better.  An American wheat would be the first thing to come to mind, but just about any low hopped blonde beer would work fine.

At least it’s not a durian.

There’s something I need to try before I die, at least once, since it’s such a love/hate thing and bet I might love it.

I don’t know if it’s exactly on my bucket list, but I’d like to give durian a try as well. It can’t be any worse than Vegemite.

Think sweet onion custard with a faint rotten egg aftertaste.  I like it in small amounts, too much and the sulphur seemed to build up in the nasal passages and becomes overpowering.

The worst thing about durian is how long the smell remains on your fingers.

“It is the scent of garlic that lingers
on my chocolate fingers.”

– obscure reference from Genesis w/ Peter Gabriel on The Lamia, the year I was born, 1974

Will, after spending almost an hour extracting all the meat and pits from this  thing I decided that its not worth trying to put this in a beer. The overall flavor was not worth the effort.

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