Found the recipe, I think, in the NYT this weekend… Slightly modified. Tasting pretty good… except I maybe should not have put three hot peppers in there… :o :o :o
One of the hardest things to do is to get JUST the right amount of heat. Once it’s in you can’t take it out.
I like it, but the family will not be trying that…>:(
yeah, I’ve learned the hard way that when I get the heat right, many people can’t handle it. so the lesson learned is to go on the mild side… and then add hot sauce till it’s right. can’t get it out, but you can always (well, usually) add more easily
Don’t think they were Scotch Bonnets, they looked more like Habañeros… yellow, shaped like a bell pepper and about 1 inch long… It’s a quite tasty dish… ;D
Scotch bonnets and habaneros look pretty similar. And their heat level is not that far off of each other. Either way, three of EITHER in a dish is going to blow away the average American heat tolerance!
Scotch bonnets are part of the same species as habanero, although the bonnets are a bit hotter (but not by much!). Man, I only put one scotch bonnet in my jamaican rib marinade. I can’t imagine three!
I got this going for tonight…I simmered it in the dutch oven yesterday for 6 hours. I took the habanero out and tasted it…HOT! I can’t imagine using 3 of them. :o
I stuck it outside last night to cool and let some of the fat congeal…the three pounds of oxtails I used yield a lot of grease. I am hoping that when I skim the fat off here in a bit, and set it back in the oven to simmer, that a lot of the habanero oil will go off with the grease.
As a back up plan, I will serve a big glob of sour cream with it for my wife.