Judges Needed To Finish NHC 1st Round - SARATOGA SPRINGS, NY - Help!

Hi everyone,

This weekend is the last weekend for the competition.  The Saratoga Springs organizers need judges for Saturday April 30th to finish the judging.  If anyone can help, please contact Jim Kehrer (Jim_Kehrer@nycap.rr.com) ASAP.

Thanks to everyone who has volunteered during this year’s competitions!


Any update on whether Saratoga was able to finish?

Hi Centpa,

They were able to judge most of the remaining entries over the weekend, but they have a couple left to judge.  The organizer is trying to get those judged early this week.  They are almost done.

Thanks for your patience.


I hope I don’t get crucified for this and also that I am not missing anything obvious, but why is it that no results can be released until all results can be released?  The reason stated is always “fairness” but forgive me I can’t figure that out.  What is unfair about releasing the results as they are processed?  Is it simply because the folks submitting to the locations that judged later in the month might become jealous of the good fortune of those who received their scores earlier by submitting to an earlier completing location?  That sounds sort of petty so I don’t want to believe that.  This is my first NHC so bear with me on this…

I guess it doesn’t matter since the score sheets are received earlier than the NHC posting anyways.  I’m sure it has to do something with having the database complete before releasing it to the site.

The only advantage I can see is the people who know they are advancing can rebrew their entries if they know they are going to the second round.  But the only way to alleviate that would be to not release any scoresheets until everyone is done, which I doubt would fly ( nor would I want that to happen ).

But let’s not forget that the NE region WAS one of those early judging sites.

Two years ago, I saw my results online before the scoresheets came in the mail.  A friend actualy told me first I had moved on to the second round when we were talking at a local brewpub.  Just saying that the scoresheet don’t always arrive first.

This year’s score sheets arrived here last Firday, for the record.

You would also need to not announce the results at the judging site and otherwise not have them known by anyone other than the organizer (and trust that he won’t tell his friends and clubmates, but let’s get serious, he will).

How many people try to rebrew anyway? My club with Club of the Year a decade ago and some of the people who were around then look at me like I am stupid when I say I am rebrewing something for second round.

Just because you rebrew, doesn’t mean you have to use it.  It gives you another option.  Pick the best of the two.  Or blend them for more options.  Judge and pick which one you think will do best.  It really depends on the style.  I took a gold with a rebrewed hefeweizen a couple years ago.  Wouldn’t try to do it for a big beer.

A friend rebrewed an APA and got a Gold one year.

Lagers are another that has a longer timeline.  Not enough time to rebrew and lager.

One of the beers I entered was a Belgian Strong Golden, which is all gone now.  It’s making me nervous not knowing if I will have to rebrew it, but it is not in the schedule.  Perhaps I’ll know soon.

This is my first year entering NHC and all I can say is… Is that the judging process needs to start a month earlier.  I was able to get a beer through to the second round, an Imperial IPA.  And now I am biting my nails hoping my rebrew will finish in time for the second round deadline.

Hoppy beers must be rebrewed in order to get the freshest beer possible.

If the competition started a month earlier it would give everyone time to put out their best possible beer.

OTOH if you have beer left from the original batch and don’t intend to re-brew it may get stale or oxidized.  I am always surprised at the oxidation level of beers at the final round, especially the light lagers and pilseners.  Keep 'em in the fridge!

You don’t have to wait for results to rebrew. Can always rebrew your 1st round entries on a schedule so they’ll be at their peak for the 2nd round. Generally about 6 weeks after you brew your 1st round entries.

If the NHC ever returns to the East Coast, and I don’t have to worry about the 2nd round shipping, that is what I’ll probably do

Great…now judging is continuing until May 8th.  For the people in the crowd who have made second round before, what was the due by date in past years for 2nd round?  Wasn’t it something like the end of May?

Let’s just hope Janis has a chance to get the info to the people who move on in time to get there stuff together and shipped by the deadline.

Hi all,

As I was updating the NHC page with information this morning, an e-mail came in with new information, so the page has been updated with today’s date, not Saturday’s date.  This is still within the usual time frame for posting the winners lists in previous years.  It’ll be tight, but I hope to have the results posted by tomorrow or Friday at the latest.


Janis - thanks.  Any word on if they started getting scoresheets in the mail for everything they had already judged to this point, or were they sending all scoresheets out at once?  Any emailing of scores?

Sorry, I don’t know the answers to your questions.  My guess is that they have not sent any score sheets yet, but will get those in the mail on Saturday.


Janis…you are the best!  :wink:

Janis - thanks for the hard work this time of year!

Any idea how the beer has been stored for a month? Entries bottled for a judging the first week in April might not be at their best on the 1st week of May if they’ve been stored hot.

Or what styles they’ve had to wait so long on? 
Mead - probably ok, Strong beers, spiced etc… probably ok

Hefe - probably past it’s prime. Whereas the Weizenbocks it is being judged against can handle the month a lot better. What could’ve been a 45 point category winning Hefe on April 2nd might be a 28 point one on May 4th. A 38 point Weizenbock on April 2nd is probably going to be just about the same on May 4th.

American Pales - not going to represent at a month past their prime as well as the Ambers and Browns they’re judged against.

etc… I didn’t enter either of those styles, just curious and wondering if things like this were considered