Juniper Berries

I am working on a Sahti recipe.  I would like to do a no boil batch with the hops and juniper berries in the mash.  For a five gallon batch, anybody have experience with how many berries to add?  I am seeing lots of options out there and have settle on 1 OZ, but am afraid it will be overpowering.

If you want a sahti, then you need lots of juniper. You’ll need the branches too for that resinous vibe, and if you don’t use bread yeast, you’re really just making juniper-flavour ale.

Oh and you need a kuurna of course.

All jest aside: I’ve found that I don’t detect juniper easily. I know what the berries smell and taste like, but I just don’t pick it up in beer.
I brewed a sahti about two years ago. 10g of berries in a 15 liter batch of 1.100 OG. Even with the branches, it did not taste of juniper, and a professional brewer remarked “Oh that’s no true sahti” because of that.

I have a Gottlandsdricka in secondary now, with 5 grams of berries boiled for 5’ in a 1.073 OG beer. Another 10g of berries in secondary, along with gin-infused oak chips.
Super smokey but not particularly junipery.