So I’m starting to look into the possibility that maybe I will someday be able to get a Kegerator in my possession. In the meantime, I was wondering if anyone would like to share a couple of pictures of their Kegerator with me and the world. I’m looking into all the options and wanted to see what style/set-ups are popular. I’m not great with power tools and handy manning but any input would be appreciated.
I built this one that I saw here:
Very easy build, small and classy. One problem is now I wish I had more on tap.
Here is mine, what I want to showcase is the bar I used to keep me from pouring my beer when I open the freezer.
The taps were places high on purpose. I did not want to bend over to draw a pint. But it created a new problem.
Solution, I screwed in an iron bar about 12" long and 1/2" wide to the door. It sits behind the fridge door. When I open the
freezer it pushed both the doors open. A little weird at first and it takes a while to get used to but it works.
I went with a chest freezer with 2X4 Cedar collar
Super simple, you don’t even need to do the angle cuts, I just did them to try and look nice, but my woodworking skill is not very high so they didn’t completely line up. A little caulk and a lot of polyuerethane took care of that though. Used chalkboard paint on the lid so I can label each tap.
Snazzy, Robert!
While I was building the draft tower . . .
And now . . as it sits on the kegerator. All Ventmatic. Thanks Slowes and Home Despot for the raw materials! ;D
Wow…you guys have skills far beyond mine.
Aww Denny, you still have the best rye IPA around. We all have our talents. That’s what makes us a great diverse community!
Yeah man!
That VBIP from last fall is right on the money. I had two pints over the weekend and shazaam! 8)
I will be making more. By the way…I prefer it aged in the keg. :-*
dhacker Wow! That is some seriously impressive woodwork. I suppose I should get the bottom half of that set-up figured out before I aspire to carve a masterpiece like that.
Me either… and I made one similiar to the ones shown (minus the one with custom molding).
Its not a difficult task if you’ve got a lot of pics to lead the way (like these)…
I’ll post some of mine once I get all the faucets (its the most expensive part!).
I also used a 2x6 instead of 2x4. I bought a smaller kegerator, so a 2x6 lets me keep 6.5 gal carboys in it for lagering.
I went with 2X4 due to Texas heat. Originally this thing was going to be in my garage and I wanted to lose as little insulation as possible. I’ve seen some really nice ones with full panels running the length of the sides to give a nice finish. I’m not that big on aesthetics.
I used two 2x4s stacked, and then covered it with a stained/sealed piece of 1"x8" clear pine. Some trim pieces on the top and bottom to make it look a little nicer. I needed the extra room to fit kegs on the compressor, so now I can fit 5 in there. Unfortunately my new 5-way secondary regulator doesn’t fit very well, so I’ll probably be taking the collar off and redoing it with something to give me even more height. It’s either that or take a keg out :o
I, like many around here, found a chest freezer on Craigslist and converted it to be a kegerator. My last stand up fridge had 5 taps, so I needed to get a freezer that held at least the same number.
I wanted the collar to be a more “finished,” so I covered the 2x6 rough pine collar with a cherry-stained 1x6 pine finish boards cut at a mitre. I trimmed out the rest of the collar with pine corner trim and 1/2 in’ trim on the inside:
Actually, if I pushed it, this one could hold eight taps, providing I use the 3 gallon ball lock kegs to sit on the compressor hump. Otherwise, I’ve got room for one more 5 gallon corney.
The CO2 tank is on the outside and feeds two 3-way manifolds. Tubing is secured to the collar via plumbing collars.
Two day project. Easy.
Very pretty . . nice tap handles!
Awesome craftsmanship. My only questions are how does the wood hold the moisture effect and are there any insulation issues? It looks like you have a clod hose passthrough no doubt running off a blower in the cold box. I’ll have to post pics of mine but, I was lazy and everything was store bought.