Kiln-Coffee Malt, a Paler Pale Chocolate Malt?

I recently moved and no longer live easy walking distance from the LHBS, and so have taken to sometimes ordering online and sometimes going to any of a variety of LHBSes in the bay area, usually coupling the shopping with an errand near one of several local shops.

As a result, I am seeing malts that I haven’t used in years, as well as different maltsters’ versions of the malts I do regularly use.

For example, I had never used any Crisp specialty malts before and their chocolate and pale chocolate malts are each darker than the fawcett and simpson’s I am familiar with. And then there is Kiln-Coffee malt, which I used fairly often years ago, but which I hadn’t used in 3 years. I decided to try some in my porter, and noticed the malt description sounds a lot like the description of pale chocolate malt, except that it is even paler. So I got to thinking, what if I directly subbed out the pale chocolate malt for kiln-coffee malt?

I was wondering if this is the right track, or if this malt will give a markedly different flavor?