Pale Chocolate vs. Kiln Coffee

So in what I’m now thinking was a silly move, I’ve ordered 5lbs of each of these malts realizing after the fact that I’ve got
10lbs of 2 very similar specialty malts.  I’d ordered the Kiln Coffee having used it in a past recipe I want to replicate and had heard so many recommendations for the Pale Chocolate in many styles, ordered it too.  Chewing a couple grains side by side there are noticeable differences so interested to see what they are like in a finished beer.

Anyone have side-by-side experience with these to comment on distinctives?  Sounds like some some experiments on the dark side of the beery spectrum are in my future!

I think they’re different enough, not a silly move.

I haven’t had a kiln coffee brew in a long time so I can’t comment on flavor differences.  Make three batches; one with each grain, followed by a batch using both.  Report back.