Lager temps

Ok guys so it decision time for me once again. What’s my next brew? So one of my favorite styles is a bock, but I don’t have an old fridge or any means for the fermentation temps. Are there any cheap and easy ways to achieve temps ideal for fermenting lagers?

while i have this up here the recipe i built for the bock:

1 lbs Munich Malt (9.0 SRM) Grain 1 9.5 %
12.0 oz Caramel/Crystal Malt -120L (120.0 SRM) Grain 2 7.1 %
8.0 oz Chocolate Malt (350.0 SRM) Grain 3 4.8 %
8.0 oz Melanoiden Malt (20.0 SRM) Grain 4 4.8 %
4.0 oz Caramel/Crystal Malt - 80L (80.0 SRM) Grain 5 2.4 %
7 lbs 8.0 oz Extra Light Dry Extract (3.0 SRM) Dry Extract 6 71.4 %
1.00 oz Hallertauer [4.80 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 7 7.5 IBUs
1.00 oz Hallertauer [4.80 %] - Boil 50.0 min Hop 8 7.1 IBUs
0.50 oz Hallertauer [4.80 %] - Boil 40.0 min Hop 9 3.3 IBUs
0.50 oz Hallertauer [4.80 %] - Boil 30.0 min Hop 10 2.9 IBUs
0.50 oz Hallertauer [4.80 %] - Boil 20.0 min Hop 11 2.3 IBUs

Without ferm. temp. control, you might not like the results of your bock. Maybe another dark beer?

You COULD easily convert this to a dunkelweizen:

Replace half of the light DME for wheat DME
Use Wyeast 3068

If you’re a fan of Dubbel:
Replace 1 lb of the light DME for 1 lb sugar. Cane is fine, but I like muscavado. Honey is nice too, just add ~1.5 lbs.
Add 0.2 lb Special B to the steeping grain bill
Use your favorite belgian yeast strain

Well im attempting to dig up an old refridgerator from anywhere lol. Iv’e never tried a dunkelweizen to be honest, its definitely on my list to make. I’m making a stout next and depending on my situation with the fridge ill make either a bock or that dunkelweizen next.

People have reported success with the Bohemian Lager strain fermented around 60 degrees.  In something with the malt character of a bock, the increased fruitiness and esters may not be a bad thing from fermenting a bit warmer.

Get yourself a tub, put your fermenter in there, and add cold water and frozen ice packs or bottles to keep it around 60. It may work for ya!  The california lager yeast may be another option. It wont necessarily be a true bock but itll produce a fine beer Id reckon.

Are you referring to the blue swamp fermentor? Would 60 degrees be easily achieved witht that system?


I am not trying to spam but came across this and I have created a product to help those out there looking for a step up from a swamp cooler but not ready to go for a fridge with temp control.  It’s basically an insulated waterproof durable built flexible cooler sized for most fermenters.

We just came out with the product last month.  You can check them out at


Holy crap, $55 for an insulated bag? The first chamber I used was a $20 cooler from Target. Considering you can buy a freezer that holds two carboys for under $200, spending $55 to insulate one carboy seems crazy to me.

Absolutely.  Any container that will fit your fermenter will do.  Fill with cold water and adjust the temperature with ice.  I just use the basement sink.  They are surprisingly effective.