
I brewed two 5 gal batches of a lager using wyeast 2278. They were in primary for 14 days between 45 and 52 degrees. Batch #1 has been in secondary for 37 days between 34 and 44 degrees. Batch two has been in secondary for 9 days at the same 34-44 degrees. Today the weather is getting warmer here in the NE and today both batches are up to 52 degrees with the weather forecast for more warm air. Do I need to bottle these brews asap or have the previous cold temps already done their thing.


Raising the temps at the end of a lager fermentation can help clean up diacetyl.  I wouldn’t let them get too warm or have them go up and down a lot though.

Temps are supposed to drop again tomorrow through the beginning of the weekend so I wouldn’t bottle quite yet.

^This.  All you are doing is a diacetyl rest is good.  Just try to keep the temp steady, avoiding sudden temp swings

Rigged a spare refrigerator.  Can’t really control the temps and it’s at 32 degrees.  Too cold?  Thinking of leaving it there for a couple months.

Those temps are perfect for extended lagering after the yeast have cleaned up any off flavors (i.e. diacetyl, acetaldehyde).  I store all of my kegged beers not on tap around that temps so they stay fresher longer.

My lagers get a D-rest then are lagered at 30F, which is close to -1C=30.2F, the temp the German lager Brewers use.

I just took my last terminal gravity reading on a Dunkel. It was pitched at 48 with temp set at 50. I walked it up one degree per day to 68. It was at 1.014 at that point and stabilized at 1.012. Now it’s set at 32°. In a week I’ll bottle it.

You can’t beat a good dunkel!

Yup, thats my hope anyway. This one is version number 3, which was with Best Malz instead of Great Western. Brewing number 4 next week, which will be the same except using a higher percentage of dark munich. I’m getting very close to what I want it to be.

I am dry hopping as I am lagering in secondary. Should I leave the hops in for the entire duration?

Some people feel they get a vegetal character from leaving dry hops in the beer for too long. For lagers I usually add the dry hops (if I dry hop) for the last week of lagering. For ales I dry hop in the keg and leave the dry hops in there. You’ll have to experiment to see what you like best. Good luck !