Lalbrew Diamond Lager

Anyone used Lalbrew Diamond Lager? I’ve read that it is the same/similar strain to the 34/70. I have not used either. I am hoping to get the temp down in the 50’s. Low 60’s isn’t an issue. If the Lalbrew can ferment warmer than the 50-59 the pack says like the 34/70 then I’m good. If not I’ll have to use either us-05 or Nottingham. Planning Munich dunkel for brewing tomorrow.

I’ve got a German pils fermenting with it right now and I have used it quite a few times in the past.  It has the same heritage as 34/70, but they’re not quite identical.  I haven’t used it at higher temps, but I’m guessing it would perform similarly to 34/70.

what differences do you notice?

These are impressions since I haven t done a side by side, but I think the Dimond might be crisper and give more of what I think of as a lager aroma.  I realize that’s kinda weak and uncertain, but I need to get some more 34/70 and test to be any more certain.  I can say that I think they are both very good.

Wish my preferred retailer (YVH) sold diamond lager. Would like to try it.

I have fermented with Diamond in the high 50’s with no issue.

I also think there is a slight difference between diamond and 34/70 but I haven’t done a side by side.  It’s hard to describe. Sometimes I get a slight sweetness in the finish with 34/70 that I didn’t get with the two brews I used Diamond Lager for. It could have been the recipes. I don’t know.

Label Peelers has Diamond Lager for $4.13/pack and it ships free. Easy way to get a pack or two.

That said, I got a deal on 34/70 recently and have 3 packs on hand. I like both.

I’ll go with the diamond and keep it down in temp the best I can. 50’s should be no problem. Planning to get started after I mow my grass in the morning. Thanks to all replies.

I brewed a lager using Diamond Lager yeast at 57-59F and it turned out great.

I had a run of lager with Diamond last year.  All of those beers came out nicely but… I am a fan of 2124 (which 34/70 is supposed to be derived from) and I do not feel like beers made with Diamond taste like beers made with 2124.  I have never used 34/70 so that’s a variable too.  IME, 2124 is better than Diamond and Diamond is better than S-189.  S-189 is fine but it has less character than Diamond or 2124.

Because a yeast has the same lineage doesn’t mean that there won’t be differences.  34/70 isn’t exactly like 2124 either.  Just like 05 isn’t just like 1056.

I had an infection problem a year or two ago. Mine was more pronounced. So, probably not the same. Ultimately, I found that the inside of the spigot on my fermenter was not getting a good cleaning.

At the time, I also moved to using Iodophor for sanitizing the fermenter and stopped saving yeast slurries. I have dabbled successfully with pitching slurries since, but I make a starter now and taste the decanted starter beer before pitching just in case. I don’t reuse slurries as fast as you do, so the starter is good practice anyway.

Ooh, was this supposed to be in the YEAST MANAGEMENT thread?  :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, yes.  It was. Whoops.