Being this is my first go around with this yeast, I have a question. I have read on the web site that fermentation should be between 51 and 58 F. But what is the proper temp to pitch this yeast? I was thinking about 70F and let it drop in the fermenter that I have set to 58. Any input would be appreciated.
Pitch at or even a few degrees lower than your fermentation temp. I have fermented this yeast at 48* to 55*.
I have used it alot, got it down to mid 60’s with my cooling water then pitch and my ferm temp control gets it down to 56 within 12 hours. Its a wonderful yeast.
In general, with any yeast, ale or lager, I prefer to pitch a few degrees below fermentation temp and leather fermentation warm it up.
using it again now as a replacement for a potentially contaminated liquid lager yeast i had saved.
still excited, it makes a great beer. i fermented it in the 50s last times
Awesome thanks to all. Mash temp is floating between 150 and 154 which I am ok with. So, pitch about 55 to 58?
that will work. If it was me, more like 50-53
Brew day is now complete. Final totals: 5.25 gallons in the fermenter Mashed at between 150 and 156, but more in the 150 to 152 area. Yeast pitched at 54 or so, only because I was not paying attention. LOL. Two packets of Diamond Lager yeast. Now, sitting in the fermenter at about 56 to 57. Will wait about 2 weeks and see where we are. My recipe says wait 3, but that seems a bit much. Then lager for another 3 to 4 weeks and see where we are. It was a really nice golden light color, which I think is about right. Updates to follow. Now, it’s beer time. Thanks to all.
A couple of side notes that I am curious about. I was just checking out the airlock and noticed not much activity. Now, I know it is early in the process and the airlock is really only for entertainment, but I thought I would post that. When I opened the door to the fermenting fridge the temp just up to 58 as it was hot in the house, heater had just kicked on. I noticed there was more bubbles once that happened, so I upped the ferm temp to 58. It is still within the range, so I don’t think I am going to be doing any harm. I have about another two weeks or so to wait, so I want to see what happens.
Also, the last 3 or so brews, I have noticed a layer of sediment at the bottom of the bucket when I transfer the wort to the bucket from the boil kettle. It is usually just below the spigot and once fermentation start it goes away and I am left with a nice light tan layer of yeast and some clean wort. Is this the yeast getting ready to do it’s job? Like I said, it has happened the last 3 or 4 times and I have not noticed any ill tastes from the beer after kegging or bottling. And it goes away once the yeast gets going. Just thought I would post it. Thanks to all
Temp range on yeast doesn’t really mean much. Don’t sacrifice beer quality for a faster start.
I have observed that 24 hours after pitching Diamond lager yeast at 50 degrees there is only slight activity, a thin scatted krausen on the beer.
At 48 hours fermentation is underway, and when I open the lid on my chest freezer that I use for fermenting lagers I smell that fine sulphury stink of a good lager yeast in action.
Well, this one worked out well. Started slow, but picked up ok. Sitting in the keg on the kegerator at 35 or so. tried it after a week or so, still a bit green. Gonna let is sit another two weeks and see where I am. Thanks to all.