Danstar & Lalvin yeast offer a web-based listing of worldwide retailers of home brewing & winemaking products, and we are looking to expand our listings to include as many homebrewing/winemaking stores as possible. If you operate a homebrewing/winemaking store and would like to be included in our listings, please complete the following information and send it to homebrewing@lallemand.com .
Name of the Business:
Street Address:
Postal Code:
Phone Number (for sales):
Email Address:
Web Site URL:
Do you sell our beer-related products?:
Do you sell our wine-related products?:
Do you ship products (mail-order)?:
If you are a homebrewer or winemaker, please forward this on to your local retailer. You can see the retailer listings on our web sites at http://www.danstaryeast.com/retailers/map and at http://www.lalvinyeast.com/contacts.asp. Thanks very much.
Keith Lemcke
Danstar & Lalvin Yeast