Local Homebrew Store Closing looking for a new shop

Hey All!
So unfortunately due to the carr fire in northern california my local homebrew store is closing (hopefully they will reopen). The owner has a machine/metals shop they are focusing on.

What online supply shop do you guys recommend?

MoreBeer has always been good to me, a real go-to.  Also Adventures in Homebrewing.  Of course there are many specialists like hop dealers.  For custom equipment solutions,  there’s NorCal (in Redding, they went through this last year.)

Williams Brewing and More Beer, both in the East Bay area and both are great.

More Beer has a wider selection of both ingredients and equipment and free shipping on orders $59 and over with a few exceptions…

Williams has better prices on a lot of products but free shipping starts at $100. They do have $6.95 flat rate though.

For things I don’t buy more locally I shop between these two.

NorCal brewingsolutions in Redding is the one that is closing. I was looking at northern brewer but I would rather support a local shop if I could.

Sorry to hear that.  I’ve had them make me some custom stuff and they were great people to deal with.  At least MoreBeer is California based.  And at least as good an option as NB.  I’m lucky to have good local guys, but when I need to find something they don’t have,  I shop around and usually end up back at the same couple retailers.  Service and shipping costs are also factors where MoreBeer comes off well.

Adventures in Homebrewing (who also now owns Austin Homebrew) is my primary online shop followed by MoreBeer. I shop around for bulk hop purchases. I used to buy a lot of hops from Farmhouse Brewing Supply but they slowed down on the discounted offerings so I buy a lot less there.

Try to find the closest one to you that has the products and services you want. For example, I use a cpl places that are closest that carry the ingredients I am looking for, sold by the fraction of a lb., with reasonable shipping. Close is not only sentimental, nostalgic, or patriotic, but pragmatic: if buying liquid yeast shorter ship time matters.

Hey the closest place to me closed. Rent went up, and one the owners was in the Army Reserve and he got activated. They were handy for certain things.

I am happy with Adventures, but it is twice as far.

I’m also disappointed to hear this.  I’ve also ordered stuff from them on several occasions and was happy with their service and the gear.

I’ve used Texas Brewing Inc for about seven years and they’ve really grown. Recipe kits are good, ingredients fresh, ship fast, and they’re always having sales. They just ended malt weekend shipping 55 bags for $5 shipping. TBI also has a weekly radio show on youtube every Friday night.

Also, the only place I’ve found Ireks malts.
