Good online Ingredient vendors?

Hey everyone,

My local brew shop is taking advantage of being the only one within 50 miles by jacking up ingredient prices. Is there a recommended online shop to buy ingredients from? Thanks for any help.


I’d say it depends on what you are looking for. For hops I have found the hop shack to be very good with good pricing (I buy by the pound) and selection and quick shipping. I buy all my malt at the LHBS so I can’t speak much for that and I generally try and harvest yeast so I really don’t buy that much but when I need something it’s from the LHBS.

My LHBS lets me go in on 50# sacks for the grains I use the most and offers me a reward program as well as a 10% discount for AHA/Club membership. The rewards are great, for every $100 spent I can get an additional 5% off the next buy:)

IME, by the time you deal with the shipping costs online is comparable to local so you really need to compare to see if you really are saving

They may not be jacking the prices up as much as you think. My LHBS sells hops for $2.99 an ounce for all varieties. To me that is expensive, but looking around it is about on-par with others selling once ounce Hop Union bags.

I’ve always been happy with prices and the customer service at Northern Brewer.  $7.99 flat rate shipping is also nice.

I don’t have a LHBS with hours that work around my schedule, so I shop online almost exclusively. I’ve never had a bad customer service issue with any of them. I try to buy a few months worth of supplies at a time to save on shipping. I typically use MoreBeer since they’re the closest, but I would recommend Northern Brewer, Midwest Supplies, Rebel Brewer, Austin Homebrew Supply and Adventures in Homebrewing. I also like Yakima Valley Hops, Farmhouse Brewing Supplies, Hops Direct and Freshops for bulk hops.

Thank you for the input guys

I buy online quite a bit because my lhbs is not as local as I would like because I live in a rural area. Northern Brewer has been great. Fast shipping, reasonable prices and they send me about the only spam I like ( so not really spam) In the past few months I have gotten a free carboy and propane burner just ordering stuff I would have anyway. I have asked them questions via e- mail and received quick and helpful responses.

I like hopsdirect for bulk hops. I have had very good experiences buying from farmhouse brewing supply. He sells hops in four ounce bags at reasonable prices and frequently runs sales so I’ve picked up some interesting stuff for a dollar per ounce or less when I didn’t want to commit to buying a full pound.

I just placed my first order with More Beer and I was really happy with everything about the order.

Label peelers is a good site. They are out of ohio and ship to Philadelphia in about 2 days. Got buy one get one lb of Amarillo yesterday it was 29.99, about 17 an lb after shipping plus a free shirt.