AngRye Beaver.
3.5 Gallon Batch
3# Rye Malt
1 1/2# German Pilsner
1# Pecan Smoked Malt
1#Munich Malt
.25# Rice Hulls
Beta Gluca Rest @ ~112 For 20 Mins
Sach Rest @ ~153 For 60 Mins
1/2 Oz Tettnanger @ 60
1/2 Oz Tettnanger @ 10
Pitched With Safale K-97
3-4 Weeks @~63
Did you brew this or are you going to brew it? It really looks interesting, I know I’ve brewed some stuff that seemed oddball that worked. I love rye, I love pecan smoked malt, and I love tett so I hope it works.
Im Yet To Brew It. It Does Seem A Bit Oddball But I Think If I Can Get Everything In Place It May Just Turn Out Wel…
I would also include a protien rest at 131 for 10 minutes. Where did you get the pecan smoked malt?
I smoke my own malt with pecan or apple wood, the pecan actually makes a smoother beer.
March 19, 2012, 3:46pm
I don’t think that’s really necessary, myself.
I Get My Grain From Austin Home Brew. They Have Decent Price On Smoked Grains, And Overall Is Generally Cheaper Than Most Things.
(Richard T)
March 19, 2012, 5:12pm
Reading this thread reminds me of the toy guns I got my kids this Christmas.
They use a lot of caps.
I Know Im Quite Charming.
I had a friend who used to say she was so anti-capatilist even her name was all lower case.
March 23, 2012, 2:48pm
I was also wondering why every word was capitalized. So I guess I will wonder no more.