Looking For Criticism, Ideas, And A Laugh Or Two.

AngRye Beaver.
3.5 Gallon Batch

3# Rye Malt
1 1/2# German Pilsner
1# Pecan Smoked Malt
1#Munich Malt
.25# Rice Hulls
Beta Gluca Rest @ ~112 For 20 Mins
Sach Rest @ ~153 For 60 Mins

1/2 Oz Tettnanger @ 60
1/2 Oz Tettnanger @ 10

Pitched With Safale K-97
3-4 Weeks @~63

Did you brew this or are you going to brew it?  It really looks interesting, I know I’ve brewed some stuff that seemed oddball that worked.  I love rye, I love pecan smoked malt, and I love tett so I hope it works.

Im Yet To Brew It. It Does Seem A Bit Oddball But I Think If I Can Get Everything In Place It May Just Turn Out Wel…

I would also include a protien rest at 131 for 10 minutes. Where did you get the pecan smoked malt?

I smoke my own malt with pecan or apple wood, the pecan actually makes a smoother beer.

I don’t think that’s really necessary, myself.

I Get My Grain From Austin Home Brew. They Have Decent Price On Smoked Grains, And Overall Is Generally Cheaper Than Most Things.

Reading this thread reminds me of the toy guns I got my kids this Christmas.

They use a lot of caps.


I Know Im Quite Charming.

I had a friend who used to say she was so anti-capatilist even her name was all lower case.

+1  ;D

I was also wondering why every word was capitalized.  So I guess I will wonder no more.