People are just really starting to abuse this. I’ll tell you my deal, then you can all decide if I’m just being a jerk, and need to settle down.
My beer has gone over very well here in Idaho. Like most homebrewers, I love to share my beer. That’s a huge part of he reason I brew. To see others enjoy it. Is there anything better than sitting with your buddies, and enjoying beer you made with them? But, people are really hitting the taps hard here. THey come and sit and drink all evening, which is ok, I invite them over to play some poker and drink. But now, I just have people showing up at the house with growlers to fill. I mean drop in fill a growler, go home. Makes me feel good that they like it, but dude! I’m not a brew pub. This stuff ain’t free. It takes time and money. I love to share, but don’t just use me as your personal micro brew. Am I just being a jerk, or do I have a valid complaint? If so, what to do?
I think it’s them being the jerks, expecting free beer just because they show up. I don’t mind giving a couple of bottles, but you gotta draw the line somewhere. As homebrewers, we can’t charge for our beer, but maybe accepting donations for the ingredients? If someone comes by simply for a free refill, tell them you’re tapped out, and the next batch is a little while out…
Or ask them to buy the ingredients, and you’ll brew the beer for them?
Save a batch or two of infected beer and swap the keg in anticipation? 8)
I’d confront the drink and dash crowd. Explain that is it not a free hobby and it does take
an investment of time and money on your part. You appreciate a good beer enthusiast but
a freeloader, not so much.
Maybe offer the opportunity for them to buy a “kit” or ingredient list and have them brew the
beer on your system. If they buy the kit, hell even have them buy their own keg(or keg system).
Offer to brew it for them, if they want to continue to have “free” beer, they need to contribute
to the hobby in one way or another.
I have heard of a brewer leaving out a tip jar… :-\
Did you invite them to stop by anytime for a growler? Maybe one night while you were playing poker and drinking? It has to be asked. ;D
You’re not out of line, but you need to be clear with them that just because you didn’t buy it doesn’t mean it was free. If you don’t want to ask for cash, you can always post the price of the batch or a list of things you need, especially with your build coming up.
What you really need is a brewing website with a registry. You can sign up for malt, hops, and yeast, and they can go buy it for you. ;D
We had a similar problem with strangers showing up to our keg parties which was cool but some arrived with growlers and went straight for the kegs. Once we noticed it was like f*ck off dude and they left talking smack but without beer. ;D
If your bros are abusing your good nature it would be better to tap the brakes on it and let them know they need to pitch in or better yet offer to show them how to brew. If they get good you can go over and drink their brew and maybe walk out with a growler on occasion.
Being straightforward is better than slowly garnering some awkward resentments towards your guests.
You’re not out of line. You should ask them to mow your lawn or something if they just want to pick up beer.
Buying you ingredients is the cool thing to do. A tip jar is OK, but some authorities might think that is selling beer.
But if they show up just for your beer and not to see you, then I’d rethink whether those people are really your friends.
Keep any failures or past-prime kegs for the mooches. Save your A game for your real friends.
Lock your doors and close the blinds.
I can’t even imagine people pulling a stunt like that. I always have people asking me to bring them some of my beers but I flat out tell them they’re welcome to come sit in the yard and have a beer with me but I don’t do take out.
Run off some third runnings, pitch a pack of dried yeast, ferment it at 90F, then hit it with a mix stir after it’s done fermenting before you keg it. Mooch beer.
I’m always offering beer for people to take home when they visit, but I don’t have them showing up with growlers to fill and then just taking off. That’s just rude. I’d just tell them you’re running low, but if they want to pick up some ingredients, you can teach them to brew, or even offer to brew it for them.
Wohoo!!! Weaz has Free Beer! Word is out… ;) I like corkybstewart’s idea about keeping the beer on your premises, unless you decide to transport it.
Here’s another thought…
Weaz… “Look guys. This is getting a little pricey for me. I have a few beers I’d like to try. How about we trade some of those for some of mine from now on?”
Then give them your list. ;D
Moochers… “Ya, sure, no problem. See ya later Weaz…”
Filling growlers without asking is over the line. Period. If you have extra, you’ll offer; otherwise, no take out beer!
Weazle, I feel you man!! Fortunately most of my friends don’t abuse it and actually have helped finance many of my brews. Here are some things I did to help squelch mooching! First off…I don’t sell beer!
I brewed a bunch of beer and had a tasting party - donations accepted (This raised enough money to start brewing ten gallons so I would have to brew less for those few who abuse it.)
I bought several growlers and people again donated for the fill ups. They can fill it up and leave, but not without donating.
Keep the really good beer I like on a picnic tap inside the fridge where most people don’t look!!!
You could just tell them man, it’s your house and if they’re good enough friends, they’ll want to help you out.
[quote author=narvin
link=topic=7491.msg91790#msg91790 date=1305380818]
Filling growlers without asking is over the line. Period. If you have extra, you’ll offer; otherwise, no take out beer!
Thanks for all the suggestions. I feel better now. Was not sure if it was just Eastern coming out in ime or what. Huge culture difference here in Pocatello, than what I am used to. People are so laid back here, and the hospitality show is so different than what I am used to. I mean, people just show up at others at dinner time, and no one thinks a thing of it. As far as people poping in and out for a growler fill up, I’m sure they think nothing of it. In fact, if they had beer on tap, they would not think twice if I stopped by their pace for a fill up. But, I was no raised that way. I’m Easternized. Think I’m gonnahave to lay down some rules.
I agree it’s not acceptable unless you offer it to them.
I guess for me, it’s not so much the cost, it’s the time that I put into a good beer. I have never really added up the hours of brewing, racking, kegging, cleaning and so on, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I put in close to ten hours on a batch of ale and a few more on a Pils.
It’s always a little sad to have an empty keg that once had great beer in it, it’s worse when a moocher takes a half gallon of it.
Good luck Weaze
I’d say you’re right on track, buddy. Lay down some rules to weed out the moochers. I’m sad that no one really asks for my beer because I think it’s pretty good and have been told it’s good, but I guess people get the impression from me that I won’t give them any or something…I don’t know. Recently I’ve started giving people bombers of my current beers just to spread the love and they’re always appreciative. I wouldn’t be happy if they were always coming over wanting growlers filled though. I suppose if it was my dad than I’d be cool with that, but if it’s more than like 1 or 2 people, then the foot needs to be put down.
It sounds like they’re all generous people… I would just explain that you’re going to run out of beer! Limits benefit everyone.
Maybe they don’t really like it and just think they’re being nice to you by taking it. The only way to know for sure would be to taste it. Send me a couple growlers and I’ll get back to you.
Just go over to their house and take something you’d like. Power tools, food, car…whatever.
You could always wait until one of them has a BBQ or a party and has some type of delicious food available, then show up the next day with takeout containers and ask for some more of it, then leave. Do it the next day too or until they get the hint.
If you really want to be passive-agressive about it you could make up a sign that says:
The Beer is Free, but the Ingredients are NOT!
And hang it near wherever you fill the growlers. This just might be the graphics guy in me talking but you could always print that up on a business cards and hand them out with free refills.
To my way of thinking, it’s not even the cost of ingredients that would tick me off. That’s not that big a deal. It’s the time I have to find to brew it that’s really invaluable. I kinda like Gordon’s idea of telling them if they mow your lawn, you’ll have time to brew.