Low oxygen Brewing Now Has a Site

We think this low oxygen brewing this is pretty neat, and we have been doing it for quite some time. However lets be honest, the paper that we wrote on it was not very easily digestible for the normal brewer and I think that hurt us. Some of us thought that we should really break it down and make it a little more easy to follow, get rid of any pretentiousness, and get this to the masses. We are proud to announce a whole new site www.lowoxygenbrewing.com where we try to just give the straight facts, easy to follow steps and instructions, a nice break down of the paper, and an open mind to help any and all. We hope that folks can use an incremental approach to this new way. These methods can help any and ALL beers, and we hope to help everyone we can try and brew the best beer possible. We hope you find this a wealth of resources, be sure to check out the brewing references for a long list of brewing gold (inluding some of this recent talk about anti-oxidation trifecta’s! :wink: ). Since this is more process than really equipment, most brewers will have little to nothing to add to thier inventory to give this a go. So Good luck!

  • The LOB crew

Happy to see that you are breaking it down into small incremental improvements versus the all or nothing mentality.

I like how the site is broken down. Good info.

Site is blocked at work, since the page’s category is “none”. I’ll check it out when I get home.

Oh, I will fix that!

love the tagline.  ‘ITs’ for everyone.

Here I see the link to our reference stockpile:


Very cool guys. Can’t wait to pour over it when I get a chance. Thanks again for sharing and helping with the baby steps for us newbies!!

yes - +1 to that.  I unfortunately can’t do all the steps, but can do a lot of them and perhaps that will incrementally help.


If I can ever find time to brew…

Home, and checking out the site now. Great work guys, really appreciate you all putting this together.

And now I have ideas on fabricating a home brewery…and have another reason (besides my other hobby of auto racing) to learn to weld…

First of all, thanks not only for sharing this information, but also for the time and dedication that has obviously gone into researching and testing this info in the first place. I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus from the forum over the past few months, so I was pretty happy to see the direction the LODO discussions have taken around here compared to what I remember.

I’m looking forward to testing out the hot side processes soon. I can see some challenges within my system, but I definitely see some avenues where I can start making some easy adjustments to start.

Might want to increase the font size

Looks great.  I was definitely a critic of the original presentation, but never of the idea of avoiding oxidation.

I think I’ve read every post on the GBF since you guys re-opened, but it is really nice to have all that information well organized and in one location.

Compared to digging through a bunch of forum threads, this makes it so much easier to find what you are looking for.


A giant leap in the right direction.  Nice job guys.

Very well done.  I hope to pick through it over the next few days.  I have done one low oxygen brew so far and other than a bit of sulfur during fermentation, it seems to be progressing well.  I love the cake pan idea for a mash cap.

My club members think I am a nut for buying into this, but I am hoping to be able to show them the results.

Brandon and I organized the original group, that discovered and wrote the paper. However due to personality conflicts after the papers second revision the group had been disbanded with 3 of the 4 founding members leaving…1 bad apple and all that. So we are in no way shape or form affiliated with them anymore. Wish them all the best.

We are taking a different approach to this information. Instead of all the technical jargon, we are trying to break it down to easily obtainable, digestible, and incrementally apdatable means. So glad to see it’s helping folks!

I really appreciate that by the way. I too was critical of these ideas initially, but I’m now excited to try them. I have to say, using your methods I will no longer have to rationalize why I’m ignoring some of Fix’s opinions on HSA.