Major announcement (pic added)

It’s a done deal. I secured the funds, When I get back to Idaho next week, I’m adding on the brewery / bar to the mancave! I’ll be sure and take some pics during the build, and put them up. First round is on me!!!
11-17 edit :
Got the lumber today. Weather permitting, gonna get it going tomorrow.

Awesome weaz, congrats!  Can’t wait to watch the build.  It’s only a 12 hour drive too . . .

Count me in!

Can’t wait!

NHC 2013 - Poca-hell-hole, Idaho!


Maybe some Jolly Rancher IPA for the innaugural brew?  :wink:

platters of crispy fried bacon for happy hour…now I have even more reason
to do a road trip.  :wink:

nice can’t wait to see picts! grats!


Yeah, except he’d probably have a giant platter of McRibs right next to it

The McRibs would act as a sacrificial anode.

Or a diversion for his Idaho friends
so we can beat them to drain his taps before he gets home.

Let’s make sure we all remember to bring empty growlers.

[quote]Let’s make sure we all remember to bring empty growlers.

I can do that

That is about the funniest thing I have ever heard. Thank you, thank you :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Dudes! This thread is hilarious! Thanks for sharing in my excitement!! Yes, there will be McRibs and bacon for all! And seriously, all kidding aside, each and every one of you here have an open invite. I mean that!
  Oh, and ground was broke today. My bro-in-law who is helping me was bored, so he got started today!

I like turtles.

Hey, 1vertical, I would love a road trip.  8)

Very cool for you weaz!

You need to lobby the AHA to host NHC 2013. 
I’ve never been to Idaho. It’s on my bucket list.  You’ve got one of the coolest volcanoes in the world there.

This could develop into something if the timing works somehow…
rabid aussy dawg, bring room for bags of malt barley as the motherlode
is right there by him…


I want to go visit my elder brother in Wyoming next spring after the snow melts. So maybe a side trip back through Idaho? 8)