
boy i threw some mandarina leaf into my pale ale keg-wow is that nice! tangerine really pops on this stuff.

Great stuff.  Love it !

I have an all vienna all bavarian mandarina IPA ready that tastes awesome. Really love this hop!

I like that it’s a moderate AA, not too resiny hop, too. You could use it in several different beers.

Beyond the ipa/pale styles for this hop, where to go.  I keep having Saison pop in my head.  Am I crazy on this?  I’m going to order some hops tomorrow and I think I will pick up some.  By the prices you can tell it is popular.

Not at all. Aside from American hoppy styles, I thought Saison, cream ale, wit, pale lagers.

Going to add it in my next pale and putting it in a saison.

My saison goes in The keg this week and will get some dry hop with mandarina.

I used it in a saison, and it was incredible. I think you will be very happy with it.

I’m thinking 48 hours at room temp with dry hopping the cold crash it and leave another couple days.

German Hull Melon Hops -ever used them?

Yeah, they’re good. A Cascade offshoot - floral and fruit (melon and strawberry ) character.

cool. just ordered some. might fire up a melonberry Kristallweizen!

Sounds pretty good !

been 6 days dry hopping in the keg. the mandarina jumps out ahead of the centennial, cascade and citra. they work really well together.

I made a mandarina and chinook IIPA last year. I made a calculation mistake and ended up with a over 100ibu so it was not a good showcase of that hop.

However I just made an american wheat with mandarina and hallertau and it’s quite tasty. I really like this hop and agree it can be used for a wide variety of beer. In fact, it made me quit being a lurker  ;D


I’ve used Mandarina a few times now and love it.  I didn’t realize it was available in whole leaf till I saw Wort’s post.  I just ordered a bunch for the Hop Rocket.

Yeah, great hop. And Curtism1234, what did you not like about Mandarina in your IIPA ?  100 IBU is not unusual in IIPA.

EDIT -  I could see how Chinook could overpower it though.

Yeah I could see how the delicate aromas and taste could get run over by a stronger / dominant hop.

Yeah, I think if you used 2:1 Mandarina to Chinook it’d be great.  1:1 it wouldn’t be a fair fight.