Anyone used floor malted MO? I have not heard of it before, looking to use it for an IPA to hopefully build a malty backbone. The semi-LHBS said not to use more than 20% as compared to using regular MO for all the base malt. I don’t see many references to it on the web.
WAYRTTD: I figured on using roughly 20% of this, then 2.5% of British Crystal 70/80, 2.5% Carapil, with the remaining 75% being 2-row. Apollo is the bittering hop. On the aroma side, the plan is to blend ibu’s of 50% Cascade with 50% Apollo and Chinook.
I made an oatmeal stout last year and used floor malted maris otter for all of the base malt. I don’t know why the LHBS said 20%, but I’d say they don’t know what they are talking about. It is a base malt so there is know reason you can’t use it for all of the base malt. This is the description on Northern Brewer’s site:
[quote]This is a special craft malt from Britain’s oldest working floor-malting facility. Still made by hand using many of the same methods as they were 200 years ago, Warminster’s Maris Otter is a complex and bready malt. Use in any British style and many American styles for unparalleled depth of flavor.
I wouldn’t spend the extra money on it if your not going to use it for all your base malt. Do or do not, there is no try!
I agree with the others that this is a base malt and I know of no reason to limit it to 20%.
Keep in mind that floor malting is not as efficient or consistant as modern methods so you may need do a stepped mash to get complete conversion. Not a big deal and not a reason to keep it below 20%.
Thanks all for the feedback. It looks quite a bit different from other base malts and was not being sold as such, and I’ll go the “do” route and see how it turns out.
100% MO in a british ordinary bitter, pale ale or IPA (sub in a little crystal for the IPA). tastes awesome IMO. That said, I have heard more than once that British brewers often cut MO with pils malt at around 50/50. I also think I prefer my American IPA’s to be cut 50/50 MO and pils. Just seems to give a cleaner hop profile for my tastes. YMMV.
I use Crisp and Fawcett MO as a 90%+ base malt all of the time, but then I am not sure it is all floor malted either. I know both places have floor maltings and floor malt some grain, but then they also both have more modern maltings. I’ve never checked the sacks to see if they say the alt is 100% floor malted.
This makes me curious. Can you ask the LHBS about the 20% rule of thumb and the logic and reason behind it? Oh, and for what beer styles. I use Fawcett/Crisp often at 90+% for British beers, and just used Warminster for a bitter at 95%. I like the resulting beer’s malt flavor.
According to Fawcett’s documentation, ALL of their MO is floor malted. Other than having some problems with the beer clearing, I have had no problems with 95% MO and Golden Promise. Although slightly different, the both have a much better “English” flavor than the Pearl varieties.
I use Thomas Fawcett MO for most of my ales. I like to cut it with an American 2-row to get the best of both malts. Makes great APA and IPA. I’m also planning to try cutting 50/50 with Pils malt. Great malt for ales.
It was SF Brewcraft; I won’t have time to make it up there anytime soon. I was only asking in reference to getting a decent malt backbone for an IPA. They were not pushing; it was just something to try. I did limit to 20% and step-mashed just that portion first at 135. Thinking I’ll keep an eye out for it next time I buy bulk malt. They also mentioned to not overlook Golden Promise.
Learning a lot on this one; double-batched the day with two distinctly different styles.
Save yourself a headache and don’t bother with Brewcraft. Just make the trip to MoreBeer in Concord or Oak Barrel in Berkeley. Both are better stores with more reliable info and advice. And Williams Brewing is a good online option in the bay area - super fast shipping.
Good to note, thanks. I needed 2 starters quickly and their yeast was fresh. I do get to MoreBeer on occasion. In reference to other Bay Area LHBS, I like Seven Bridges as well, specifically for the hop selection.
I just brewed a smash with warminster floor-malted MO, and at just four weeks old I’m having a hard time not drinking all of it tonight. Damn straight 100% is fine.
That said, the brewmaster of Meantime has said that he doesn’t like 100% MO because of a “diacetyl” flavor impact. I’ve not encountered that, but there it is.