maris otter

Im still trying to figure things out and have only brewed with 2 brands of 2 row so far. Im about to branch out and try marris otter. Im ordering a 55lb bag along with another 50LB bag of 2 row. Can i substitute any recipe that calls for 2 row with marris otter? Im ordering in bulk to save the cash because i order and have it shipped.

Two schools of thought:

No - Maris Otter, while a great malt, belongs in British style beers.  Most American style ales use 2 row malt, which is milder and cleaner by comparison.

Yes - Brewing is about experimenting and finding out what you like/prefer, and plenty of brewers (here included) use a portion of Maris Otter along with their 2 row in American styles.

Personally, I’ve done both. I’ve made APAs and AIPAs in the past with a portion of MO in the grist that were very good. In recent years I’ve saved the MO for British styles, as well as German , Belgian, and American malts for their respective styles. I just like brewing styles authentically, according to what is typically used in a given beer. Neither is right or wrong - give it a shot and see what you like !

you CAN substitute MO in for any pale base malt. that’s not to say you will get the same results. MO has a much more complex malt character than average domestic pale malt. There is a strong crackery/biscuity/toasty note to MO that is lacking in ‘plain’ 2 row or pale malt. sometimes that’s really nice, others not so much.

It’s a classic in british bitters, milds, browns, and barley wines though. It can be distracting in some styles though so get to know it and you will figure out when it’s a good choice for your pallette

I’m loving reading these malt threads. Its the topic that I feel most incompetent in so I’m learning a lot from the more advanced homebrewers on this forum.

Personally, I have used 100% Marris Otter malt in an APA and found it to make a very nice beer.  I haven’t tried it in any other style though.  One day, I may experiment with other styles, but I haven’t gotten there yet.  I wonder how it would taste in an American Amber ale?

At one point in time MO was all I used for my base malt.  It works great in an American Amber but as others have said MO will give it a richer, more complex flavor.  I still use it quite a bit but also use a lot of Rahr 2-row for cleaner tasting summer beers.

The ability to use whatever you want in any style is a big part of the fun.


Maris Otter is a type of barley but the real key is who malted the Maris Otter. Not all maltsters are the same and not all MO is the same either. Look for floor malted MO like Crisp or Thomas Fawcett. I especially like the TF.

MO can be used to substitute basemalt in any recipe, just understand that it is going to have a particular flavor. It is best described as “biscuity” - but not as in biscuits that we are familiar with in America. More like English biscuit, which is a bland tasting type of cookie. And even that English biscuit is not an exact comparison. You really just have to do a 100% MO beer (preferably floor malted) and taste it to understand the flavor.

I personally think the flavor can clash with American hops if what you are going for is a west coast hop bomb, but can add a nice touch if blended with some US 2-row. On the other hand I have done 100% Maris Otter and 100% Columbus and really liked the results.

In the end, experimentation is going to be your best friend, but I do highly recommend looking for the floor malted varieties if you want to get the best MO flavor.

Inspired by a recent MO/Galaxy SMaSH thread, I recently brewed my first batch using MO as the base.  It is a red and I’m absolutely loving it.

There is also a low color MO made by one or more of the maltsters that is only about 2L. With that you do not get the toasty, biscuit flavor, but there is a rich malt flavor. That type of MO is used in many of the Summer Ales that are light in color and body, as those have little or no crystal.

Who carries the low Lovibond varieties, Jeff?

I’m not Jeff, but my local hardware store sells 55 lb. sacks of Munton’s Maris Otter blend that is 2.1°L.  I have an English summer bitter on tap right now with it that is pretty good.  Not as much biscuit flavor as Crisp or Fawcett, though.

The summer ales I had were in London.

I think I got some from Midwest, or was it Northern Brewer, a couple years back.

You could probably order from these guys.

Thanks for all the responses and input. I have only brewed ales so far and wanted to try something different, I have tried two different brands of 2 row so far but that’s it. So I placed my order and included 5LBS of Bairds Maris Otter. I’m going to brew the summit saga recipe that I posted under recipes here not to long ago. The recipe will consist of 5 LB marris otter and 6 lbs of 2 row. Trying is going to be the best thing to do. Also for the sake of experimentation I ordered 8 different base grains in 2 oz. separated bags and will make tea samples to see what each brings to the table.

Hardwood store? Where do you live? My hardware store has a crappy malt selection. Lots of tool etc. though.

Can’t weigh in on malts (like Pete learning a lot by reading), but I can say in Toledo Ohio there is a long standing hardware store that also happens to be a feed and home brew supply. Unusual but not unheard of.

I live in Helena, Montana.  The only LHBS in town closed its doors a few years ago, so our local Ace hardware store began selling brewing supplies to fill the void.  So far its working pretty good. They don’t have a selection like the online retailers, but what they do have is fresh and reasonably priced.

It wasn’t a great stretch for them to get into the brewing supply market.  Years ago, when Montana legalized medical marijuana, the hardware store got in heavy with indoor growing systems.  8)

Let me add one more note regarding mash temps.  Typically MO has a DP of ~50 while  regular 2-row has a DP of ~140.  These differences are not real important, perhaps completely unimportant, if you are mashing at 158 F or above.  If on the other hand you are mashing at 149 F to get a dry finish or because you have a lot of adjuncts needing conversion, MO by itself won’t get what you want since it doesn’t have beta-amylase in the first case and may not have enough DP for the second case to convert all the starch into sugar.

MO doesn’t have beta amylase?  :o

+  :o

as far as I know MOST cereal grains have plenty of beta amylase. it’s the alpha amylase that’s hard to come by and makes barley particularly well suited for starch liquification

That was my understanding too.  Northern Brewer has a short lab report on each grain and it lists alpha-amylase as equal to 0.  It makes no mention on beta.

It wouldn’t work as a base malt if it had no beta-amylase would it?
