Max pressure during spunding

I am spunding a beer for the first time. I kegged at approximately 5 gravity points above terminal gravity. The pressure in the keg is now, several days later, 29 PSIG.

Based on a carbonation temperature and pressure chart I know 30 PSIG is about right for my desired carbonation level.

I have a spunding valve and can easily keep it 30 PSIG or below.

My question is if I kegged too soon, got example if I was 10 points from terminal gravity instead of 5, will this high pressure stunt the yeast’s ability to finish up fermentation?

The whole point of the spund is to carbonate to a specific level. So, if set, it will reach and hold the set psi. Any excess will be released. No problem as I see it.

I only spund at 12-15 psi. I use a conical fermenter but I don’t think it matters what shape the vessel is. Also I have started spunding 10+ gravity points out from finish and have not had an issue with reaching FG.

Another point on spunding - if the batch is fully fermented and you completed spunding say a higher temperature, psi will reduce if the temp of the beer is dropped, say, in cold crashing…just something to keep in mind.

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Right. I used Beersmith to calculate the pressure needed at 70F to get 2.6 vol of CO2 in my beer. At 70F the pressure needed is 30.4 PSIG. In a fridge at 37F the pressure will drop to 11.8 PSIG. I really just aim for 30 and 12 respectively.