Melanoidin malt...flavors, aroma, uses?

How do folks use Melanoidin malt?  What beers can use small amounts and to what effect?

You can think of melanoidin malt as sort of a “super dark munich”. Use it sparingly in any beer you want to punch up the malt flavor. Personally, I almost never use it. I prefer to use regular Munich or Munich dark.

Yeah, it’s another German flavor malt.  If Vienna tastes like very very lightly toasted bread, and Munich tastes like fully toasted bread, melanoidin malt tastes like the burnt edges of the crust on that same well-toasted bread.  If you want a slight bit of burnt toast flavor in your final beer, use some melanoidin.  If you don’t, then don’t.  Totally up to the vision and creativity of the recipe designer.

Fully agree with what the others have said. For me, 2 oz per 5 gal batch does the trick, any more than that is too much, imo. I know folks who like to use upwards of 8 oz… not my gig.

Melanoidin and Aromatic malts are apparently the same thing from different maltsters.

People often use a touch if melanoidin to impart flavors purported to be produced during decoction, a process I’ve yet to test but tend to trust Denny on.

depends on maltster. weyermann has nice biscuit and honey with pronounced bready malt. 2-4 oz is nice in many beers, and not at all burnt tasting IMO. nice reddish brown color contribution.

I cant say it does or does not contribute similar to a decoction.

Good to hear.  Just found out that the maltster of the melanioden I have is Weyermann.  Going to try some in a doppelbock and a helles next brew days.

sounds good. i’d use 3-4oz in helles, and 6-8oz in DB on 5.5gal recipe.

Yup, except that I do 6-1/4 gal into the fermenter so I’m thinking 4 oz in the helles and 8 oz in the DB.
What the hell, go for the volts.

Go get it…don’t fear the noidin!