Meussdoerffer Melanoidin

Anyone use this before?

Meussdoerffer Melanoidin, Germany -Cargill
This kilned malt, similar to a dark aromatic Munich, improves flavor and fullness. Meussdoerffer Melanoidin malt imparts a reddish color to dark, amber, and red colored beers.
Ideal for: Amber beers, ales, stouts, bock
30-40 L

looks to be a bit more robust then the 23-31 L weyermann I have used. just bought 10lbs and plan on trying it out next brew.

I’m curious to hear about this one as well. The Aromatic malts I’ve used are typically in the low 20’s. I’m wondering how this compares.

thinking more appropriate for medium to darker beers i make. although i’d likely toss a few ounces in a pilsner and see what develops.

thinking more appropriate for medium to darker beers i make. although i’d likely toss a few ounces in a pilsner and see what develops

This is what I was thinking when I read the original post.