Mid-Atlantic States Homebrewers CampOUT 8/18-21

Thursday, August 18 - Sunday, August 21, 2022

MASHOUT is the Mid-Atlantic States Homebrewers CampOUT, a 4-day outdoor celebration of the homebrewing hobby held each summer. MASHOUT began in 1988 with the combined efforts of Washington, DC’s BURP (Brewers United for Real Potables) and Frederick, MD’s FOAM (Frederick Original Ale Makers) homebrew clubs.

This year MASHOUT is being held just north of Cumberland, MD (approximately 2 hours from DC, Pittsburgh & Baltimore).

The current site has a large flat, tree lined camping area near a stream with accommodations for RVs and pull behind campers (no hookups). There are great amenities, including a covered pavilion for community events, a fire pit area, plenty of parking, and the ability to cool off in the adjacent stream. Many clubs set up their tents together to form a small communities for the 3 nights, but others prefer to camp out on their own. Homebrew clubs love to share beer & stories, so even if it was your first time you won’t be a stranger for long.

MASHOUT has always been and will continue as a non-profit event designed to gather area brewers and their supporters.

Registration fees are used specifically for expenses related to the event, all organizers are uncompensated volunteers.

Please use the following link to register and for event information: Mashout

Commercial brewers who plan to donate beer and/or attend, please contact clubmashout@gmail.com for a special code at registration.