
Hey All,

I have an IPA that should be ready to keg this weekend. It has been fermenting in a chest freezer at 68f. I took a peak this morning at it in the carboy and there are a several clumps floating on top that the best way I can describe is mold looking. This is only my 5th brew but I have never seen this before. Is this a clear indication that the wort has gone bad or something else?


Hello, what is your gravity before and current ?
How long has it been since pitch?
Dry hop?
Any chance of a picture ?

Let us see a picture. It’s doubtful you have mold; likely floating yeast rafts.


Brewed three weeks ago. No dry hops.

Looks like floculated yeast.
Is this the first time you used this particular yeast?
3 weeks seems like a long time for an IPA.
I’d say it looks normal. As long as the temp stayed the same and the carboy stayed sealed.
Doesn’t appear to be any condensation in the carboy.

I think it’s CO2 coming out of solution.

I agree with Denny.  Just CO2 collecting on some yeast bits.  They can be nucleation sites.

Nothing to be concerned about.


I’m also wondering where are the signs of fermentation, no krausen stuck to the sides. 3 week at 68F seems to be a long time in primary.

Im sorry. It is in secondary, I transferred to last week, thats why no krausen. Sounds like I am ok, should  I try to avoid siphoning these when kegging tomorrow?

Ok makes sense.
I’m relatively new to Brewing as well. For what it’s worth most of these guys will tell you you don’t even need to use a secondary. In my experience it’s less hassle causes less oxidation and I haven’t received any undesirable effects from leaving it in primary on yeast cake. As you probably know the more you transfer the more susceptible you are to contamination. In my experience with pale ales and IPA 10 days in the primary check Final Gravity if all is good rack to keg and carbonate.

A hoosierbrew would say that’s just my $0.02.


Thanks again all!
Racking and quick carbing today!