Multiple strains for saison

I have been playing around with a mix of wyeast 3724 Belgian saison (75%) and 3711 French saison (25%) that attenuates great, typically about 1.003 when ramping up to 80f over seven days, but I don’t like the silkyness the French gives. Who has used a second strain to get the desired attenuation without the other yeast getting in the way flavor-wise? Thanks

Omega Saisonstein is a really unique hybrid strain.  I truly think it is one of the better strains out there even though it took some time/age for me to love it.  I will say go about 60% carb sugar if you’re bottle conditioning.  It really is a beast when it comes to chewing up fermentables.

I agree!!

I use 3711 and 3724 together semi regularly. Sometimes pitched together, sometimes I pitch the 3711 as the 3724 is slowing down . Regardless, if you don’t like the mouthfeel of the 3711, subbing 1/2 lb to 1 lb of sugar for base malt helps lighten body and mouthfeel.

I really like Belle Saison actually. it’s a crisp, lemony finisher. and is a beast.

Big fan of this one. I find it to be very similar to 3711 in a lot of aspects. Not sure how it compares in mouthfeel…

Saisonsteins monster is excellent! While it is most likely a blend of the two strains you mentioned, it has delivered excellent results for me :slight_smile:

I agree with you on the mouthfeel of 3711, some people love it, I hate it, it’s like drinking jello to me. Have you tried the blaugies strain, its wyeast 3726 or imperial yeast “rustic” strain. I’ve been using it a ton and really really like it. I’ve heard people are using that in blends with the DuPont strain to avoid the stall.

+1,000 to Blaugies/Rustic.  You may like it enough that you don’t need to blend…

Think it is wise to reduce the pitch rate a little?  There’s a ton of yeast in there!  I think my last run was a little subdued due to this compared to ole 3726.

^^ Yup.

Yes, yes!  Love it with hallertau and cascade.