Wyermann Dark Wheat

Has anyone ever used Wyermann Dark Wheat malt in a beer?  I am thinking about using it in a Dunkelweizen and want to know the flavor characteristics of the malt.  If it is too toasty, I am going to shy away from it and use standard malted wheat.  So if anyone on this esteemed list can provide any helpful information on the malt, it would be greatly appreciated.

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Will try to email you when I get a chance, but I have used the dark wheat a few times with fairly good success.  As you mentioned it does have a bit more “toasty” qualities than normal malted wheat.  I did not find it overly toasty though especially for a dunkelweizen where it would probably fit in well based on what other specialty grains you are using. 
Using it as 100% of your wheat malt in this style may be a bit much though and you may want to consider splitting it 50/50 with typical malted wheat as well.

Well, I’m not going to email you but I will respond. It’s not too toasty. It makes a great dunkelweizen. Be sure to include a bit of pils malt in the grist. I go with about 60% dark wheat and then split the rest between pils and munich. You still may need a little carafa special to get the color you want.

Thanks for the responses.  My thought was to use about 50% dark wheat in the grain bill and then use munich and vienna and of course some carafa to make up the rest but that is just preliminary thinking on my part.  Of course I will have to do a protein rest with the dark wheat which is recommended by Wyermann, Northern Brewer, and others but I will consider using some pils in the grain bill to provide some of the extra enzymes.


I really don’t think you need a protein rest. I wonder if they aren’t recommending a beta-glucan rest to avoid a stuck sparge. regardless, I do recommend some pils (20%) to help with attenuation and to lighten the body some.

+1 to no protein rest.  Just add .5# of rice hulls to the mash if you are concerned about your lautering.

I was planning on using rice hulls due to the high proportion of wheat in the grain bill (just to be safe).  A bit of pils malt won’t hurt either although I originally did not plan on any in the grain bill.

Thanks all!  That beer is #4 on the brewing list after my bourbon oaked oatmeal stout, munich helles, and baltic porter.

no on protein rest also.

my favorite recipe is 50% dark wheat, 24.5% dark munich, 16% bohemian floor malted wheat, 8% pils, 1.5% midnight wheat. comes out about 16SRM.


