My Home-Brewhouse Build

Figured maybe some of you fellas would be interested to see some of our progress to this point.  Not sure if this is quite the right subpage, since I am in the process of pimping, but anyhow.

This is the view as you walk in from the garage, floor drain in the center:

here is the back wall - the back 36" of concrete is raised 4" so I can put all fermentation/lagering fridges and other dry equipment raised up so as not to be damaged if I need to hose down the floor.  also, I have four independent outlets to power the fridges and other equipment in the wall.

here is the view if standing on the raised concrete portion:

here is a view of the heart of the operation - the back wall where the kettles will reside.  the orange paint to the left indicates where the electrical panel will be attached to the wall with a 30A/240V dryer outlet beside.

in the center is the hood of course - you can see the duct - when we trim out a SS condensate hood will be attached to the bottom of the chase.

the blue line is a water line to a pot filler for dispensing RO from a RO machine/filter behind the wall with a 30-40gal holding tank.

the wall to the right of that (which has no picture) will have the sink and counter area.

And here is the view of the same wall now that it is “drywalled” with Durarock and then stucco scratch coat on top

The holes on the left and right are where some hi-hats will eventually be housed.

Anyhow, that’s it for now.

Awesome blatz.  Pure awesome.

wow, looking very good

Paul, I like the way you thought things through.  I’m jealous!

thanks guys!! I am really excited - I know its not going to make better beer and all that, but it will at least be a cool spot to brew in and hang out.

My wife is just as excited that all my brewing stuff will be contained to one room of the house now.

Really nice plan and layout. The floor drain will be worth every penny. Keep up the great work.  :slight_smile:

Nice work so far. Keep us updated with your progress. I can’t wait to see how it turns out.

Very nice build.  You giving Ron Raike a run for the money?

You kinda missed grade on the floor drain by a bit, don’t you think?  :wink:

very nice indeed. I’m seriously jelly.

I’m jam.

Nice build. What’s the square footage of your build? Is it all brewery or ???

Thanks guys.  It’s roughly 12x13 - perhaps a little bigger than it needs to be , but that’s just how it came out so to speak.


  1. I am jammin jelly!

Cool man, obviously you have been planning and have it well thought out!
Is this an old place that you are renovating?

Will be fun to see your process.  Glad you have your user name back.


Thanks! No it’s a new home.  Thankfully the GC accepts kegs of helles as his fee  ;D

I’ve seriously been considering getting something like this and making a backyard brewpub out of it:

They make 12x12 up to 12x16. I started making some plans in illustrator that include the brewing equipment in the back and a small pub area upfront with a bar and some standing tables/stools near the windows. the porch is a nice bonus. Would be wicked around superbowl season! brews in a 12x16 shed.  That one looks great, although I might go for one without the wasted space of the porch.  Than again, a porch would be nice :slight_smile:

Wasted space?  No way!  That’s where all the lies get told.    ;)

Dude! I just noticed this thread! Looking great man! Love that you got 220, 30a out there. I’m really kicking myself that I did not run more amps out here to the mancave. When I built it, I had a suspicion I would later add a brewery on, but never dreamed that I would want to ever go electric. some day down the road, I may be running a dedicated brewery service out here.
I also really like you use of Durarock. I plan to do the same by my burners, and sink. Can’t wait to see some more pics of it.

BTW, whoever if was that mentioned buying a shed…Do it yourself. It’s a LOT cheaper than buying a package. I have somewhere between 3500-4000$ in the mancave. It’s (16x12, the main part) And that is finished. Insulation, drywall, wiring, paint, flooring…I could not come near a 16x12 prefab, and then finish it for that.

The porch is where you go to drink said beer.

The porch is not included in the measurement so 12x16 is the size of the interior area so the total outside length would be closer to 12x20

Nice! I’m very interested to see how this turns out. I’m building a house and have included a dedicated room in the basement for brewing. Besides a sink and a floor drain, I don’t really know what the hell I’m going to do.