My home-grown dried hops in freezer bags. Good 4 how long?

I have home-grown Fuggle, Chinook and Nugget sealed tight with all the air pushed out of the freezer bags the best I could. (no food sealer available) These are 2013 crop…

Are they still viable now to brew with, or would I just use more of them? I just used some Fuggle and Nugget in a brew last week, so I am hoping they still do well. They still smelled good anyway…Just wondering,

Thanks all


As long as they smell good, use em! Id keep them to dryhopping since you dont have an AA analysis, but if you dont care about bitterness being off a tad, use em before you lose em!

Thanks. I will definitely do so! This years plants are already up to my gutters on the house! :slight_smile: 3rd year plants…

I left a small bag in my freezer by mistake for one year. They were black as coal. So one year = bad in my experience. Also, I noticed a bit of off flavor with Nugget hops after 6 months. Still used them, but noticed an odd grassy flavor. My Chinook hops seemed to be better at aging.

If you go through all the trouble of growing hops, I suggest you at least invest in a cheap vacuum sealer.  Your hops will thank you.

A valid point. We actually had one before I got into brewing, but never used it. Go figure…lol. Time to get another one.  :slight_smile:

Yeah… Start buying your hops in bulk and save money. I used my food savor for hops and when I get a whole delmonico cut lol