Just wondering how long you guys will use stored hops if they have been vacuum sealed and kept in the freezer?
Years. I have a pound each of nugget and willamette in original packing from hops direct 2011 harvest. They were buy one get one so I had a two pounds each. I also have small amounts of other hops from the 2012 harvest.
I too buy pellet hops on the cheap by the pound and repackage them before I put them in the freezer. I have some of those foil packets with the air removal button on them. I am not sure of the correct method to purge the air or if the valve button works with a vaccuum device or what. All I do is fold the bag to remove as much air as possible then once I seal the bag I attempt to press on it with my hands. Not sure if the last step is accomplishing anything or not. But I am trying…LOL.
I have seen charts which show the degredation of hops over time and I have just assumed that it is probably taking place but that I am slowing down the natural process somewhat.
If anyone knows the answer to that air purge button please explain it to me.
BTW those bags are cheap and reusable. Nice strong zip lock on them and I think well worth the cost. Its either that or ziplocks and I think the foil bags probably are a better choice.