My Pub Project...

Hey Beerheads:  I have been away from the board for awhile.  I moved into a new place in November and have not brewed since October.  After getting settled a little bit I started working on a room that’s about 12x12 and just inside my townhome when you walk in from the garage and that I decided to turn into my “pub”.

It started like this as office space when I first moved in:

It’s hard to tell but the room is a mess.  Paint everywhere, walls were dinged, the flooring was poorly installed, etc. so I decided to scrap the whole thing and start over.

Formidable project, Ken.  Good luck!

I had some recessed lighting installed and I painted, swapped out all the switch plates, vent covers, etc.  I thought the pub needed some brick so I did some homework on that.  Swapped out the flooring, added some wainscoting, a TV, new trim, window treatment, draft lines (serving fridges are in the garage), etc.

There is more to do but you get the idea.  This was such a great distraction during a tough adjustment period I went through in my life.  The rest of my place needs work too but now I have this space to come and chill, grab a beer, watch a game, etc. I am also getting ready to brew my first batch in my new place.  I have everything I need I just have to get everything located and ready to go.  The weather needs to cooperate too.  Cheers Beerheads.

Awesome setup!!!  Gonna save this thread and show it to my wife.  Might be a fun way to get one of the kids out of the house so I can use their room.  LOL.

I am marginally handy.  But they make such great products and such great tools now and with a bit of handiness and YT vids that have been shared by others who have already been down the same road, you’re armed with a lot of weapons.  Clearly you need the time and the desire too.  :smiley:

Man, that is really impressive.  Looks great

Good work Ken! I’m jealous

Looks awesome! Where’s the kegerator? Trunk lines from a garage on the other side of the wall?

The dartboard makes my nostalgic. Whenever they legalized video gaming all the bars took out their dartboards so lost souls could stare blankly at a screen.

Nice! Except that Titans/Bengals game you have on the TV. I’m still in a bad place over that.

Four shanks through the wall and then two Danby 4.5cf fridges in the garage.  Two kegs and one CO2 tank in each fridge.  Cheers & thanks.

At least your team made the postseason.  :frowning:

Looks great and more (ful)filling!

High on my project list for the next house.  My wife wants a tiki bar, but it will likely be a mix of Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia after our travels.  I have great teak bar we brought back when we were stationed in Guam, but boy it did not like the two Maine winters it lived through. 
What did you use for the brick wall - is that sheets or individual tiles?

The brick is a “brick veneer” by a company called “Old Mill”.  I ordered them through Home Depot.  They are individual bricks that are about 3/8" thick and they come in a variety of colors.  I think this one is called Castle Gate.  I used a Ryobi Micro saw with a tile blade to cut the ones that needed to be cut and I used a quick-drying, heaty duty adhesive by Liquid Nails to fasten them to the wall.  I used a grout bag to “squirt” the grout between the bricks.  A big job and I’m glad I chose to just do one wall.  I was SO glad when that wall was done.  :D  A “tropical” bar would be cool.  Lots of ways to accomplish that.  I envision a surfboard up on the wall.  :D  Cheers.

Thanks, the wall looks great.  Surfboard, we have several pieces of teak furniture from our tour in Guam.  A buddy of mine in Hawaii converted his board into his bar top.  The curves make it a little less than optimal though, too easy for stuff to fall off the edge.