My Witbier was a hit!

So I brewed a witbier at the request of my fiance, who loves Blue Moon.  I used the kit from norther brewer.  It turned out darker than I expected, but the flavor was perfect.  I ended up bringing it to my friend’s party saturday night and it was a hit!  We killed an entire case of it, and learned just how alcoholic it was.  I calculated it around 3.8%, which to me seemed on the low side, but it was still enough to get you drunk.  Now I just have to peel and scrape off 24 labels…  My friends have already requested a pumpkin ale for halloween.  Time to get brewing again.

Pumpkin ale?? You need new friends.  :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Congratulation to great beer.

That will teach you to use Magic Marker on the cap :slight_smile:

Congrats! It’s good to see one’s efforts appreciated!

BTW 3.8% plenty good for a decent buzz…

I’m just happy they requested something other than “like miller, bud, coors.”

True & congrats on a successful brew… FWIW I’m not sure I’d want my friends getting drunk on Pumpkin Ale though. Can’t say I have any personal experience but my gut feeling says no, no, no, OH NO! You might consider some BMC or another homebrew to help offset the pumpkin.  Cheers!!

I have a friend that always asks if I have perfected a Miller High Life clone yet.  I tell him someone has already done it  :-\

Congrats on the brew!

“Now I just have to peel and scrape off 24 labels…”
A little trick I learned from the guys at Avery Brewing in Boulder, CO… Most commercial breweries use an ammonia soluable glue - so, the next time you get a sixer of your favorite craft brew and you want to re-use the bottles, give a little soak time in a buck of ammonia and water!

I’ve found that this works well on your run-of-the-mill printer labels too -

+1 for writing on the caps with a sharpie.

You got me!  ;D

They ask for pumpkin beer, and you call them friends?  :o

But, glad they liked your wit. Great feeling, ain’t it?