I’ve always brewed with electric or stovetop gear, but I’ll have a dedicated brewing space with a natural gas line in the house I’m building. What should I be looking at as far as BTU’s to get a 5 gal+ batch to a good boil?
Hm, I should’ve put this in the equipment section…
Something like this would get the job done nicely, and if you decide to move up to 10 gallon batches it would handle that too.
I don’t know what is available in Europe. On the Blichmann page there is some burner information that should help you get in the ball park. Click on the Burner data tab.
I use the BG 10 and the BG 12 burners from Bayou Classic on my system (10 gallon) and they work beautifully. I don’t use them at full power either. With a 30 psi regulator, they’re supposed to pump out 55k BTU.
Thanks for the tips, all! This definitely helps.
I just found out that a neighbor a few doors down from the new house runs an industrial catering business. That might be a good neighbor to know.
I have two different sizes of the ring burners. Work pretty awesome in a flamboyantly wasteful manner, but I think if you can afford the Blichmann floor-burners with the NG conversion; this will be a much better option. Spring for the extra bucks on this aspect of your brewery. It will be quieter, more efficient and waste less heat.