Need Assistance with Blichmann Fermenator

I just received my Blichmann Conical yesterday and I decided to try to put it together today. The paperwork that came with this thing is not so great. Small images in black and white. I found the file on Blichmann with colored images but it still isn’t great. I’m reading the first step of putting this thing together which is Assembling the bottom dump. This requires a Bulkhead nut and a threaded bulk head. My bulk head that came in the box has no threads, and I did not receive a nut in my entire package. I attached a photo of all the items included in my feremenator upon opening. Can someone with experience with these help a noob out? Am I missing something here, literally or cognitively?


I think it’s the thing to the left of the corny keg lid.  Does it unscrew into two pieces?

The thing is, on the YouTube conical presentation there is a noticeable nut inside and it’s not anywhere in my items

If you need help with assembly, I recommend contacting Blichmann Engineering, or emailing John Blichmann himself for help as he is very responsive and will put you on the path to success.

You have the Tri Clamp version, are you watching the correct video?