I could use your vote for Beer Drinker of the Year. My brief beer resume is on the website, but I was a finalist in 2011 and a semi-finalist in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2012 which was the last year they held the competition. Please vote for me if you feel so inclined so I can compete in Denver in April!
The biggest issue is the travel to Denver to get it.
In 2011 when I was in the finals I drank the pepper spice beer (Patty’s Chile Beer) and gained 8 pounds during the course of the competition and went to the bathroom a couple of times.
I really appreciate it. I actually have two reasons to want to go. The first of course is the BDoY competition.
The second is a buddy of mine, Paul Ogg, has a rare form of cancer and did not respond well to chemo and to a stem cell transplant. He is currently traveling to NYC for a clinical trial and it put him in the ICU last week, but he was back there over this weekend. Paul lives in Denver and teaches at the College of Mines there as well as being part owner of Declaration Brewing. He and I met on a homebrewing forum on one of the beer rating sites and we’ve traded beers countless times. Paul is also a BJCP judge.
His prognosis is not looking good and I am hopeful if I get there in April he will still be strong enough to sit down for a few beers. They have insurance, but the bills are still piling up. I believe they have surpassed their original fundraising goal, but if you feel so inclined or know Paul here is the YouCaring page. https://www.youcaring.com/paul-ogg-416982