New cleaning products

Well, new to me at least!  I was recently sent a box of samples by Craftmeister, part of the same company that makes BTF Iodophor.  They sent me powdered oxygen wash (like PBW), powdered alkaline wash, and a bottle of the oxygen wash in tablet form.  1 tab per 3 gal.  I want to tell you that this stuff is fantastic!  It dissolves thoroughly and easily, rinses with little effort and most importantly does a killer job of cleaning!  I have no idea how the price compares to PBW, but I can tell you that I will be using this stuff from now on.  It’s So much easier to dissolve and rinse than Oxiclean that it kinda makes me not want to use Oxi any more!  If you have access to this stuff, definitely give it a try.

Sorry to sound like an infomercial, but this is something that most people don’t know about that will really improve your cleaning.

12.99 for a tub of 55 tabs. Not bad at all. I just restocked my oxyclean stash, so I will need to wait.

Edit - forgot to include the link -

Well worth it IMO!

That sounds pretty good to me. I’m not sure how many batches I get out of a 1lb jar of PBW, but this seems like a much better value to me. And I use 1/3 the recommended amount of PBW in my fermenters…

I’m not sure if I am using too much oxyclean, but I use to line four with 4-4.5 gallons for cleaning during the brew day and half way between line 1 and 2 for soaking my fermentors.

One thing I read ages ago that I still follow is to never add the cleaner to the fermentor first, especially with PTFE (better bottle type) fermentors. The concentration is too high. I add mine to a bucket with 3 gallons and mix well before I pour it in.

OTOH, I always pout the cleaner in first, although I don’t use BBs.  But for buckets and cornies, no problem.

Yeah I think it is fine as the HDPE and stainless are very durable. I mix it with bit of water before adding even with kegs, but that is just to dissolve the powder.

is it positioned as a no rinse cleaner at recommended strengths?

From the FAQ section on their web site: Cleaning is a three step process: Clean, Rinse, Sanitize. They then go on to say:
Why is Rinsing important? Rinsing is designed to carry away residual detergent and soils after the wash step. It also provides a great opportunity to inspect your equipment for any stubborn soils that might have been missed during the wash phase. Some home brewing sanitizers lose effectiveness in the presence of a detergent, so rinsing helps insure that the sanitizing process has the best opportunity to make your equipment 99.9% free of microbes. The team at Craft Meister also uses the rinse step to routinely check for wear and tear on fittings, valves and handles. The worst (and most likely) time for any of those parts to fail is when your mash tun or kettle is full of hot material.

So, No, the cleaner is not positioned as “No Rinse.”

Nope.  Don’t know of any cleaner that’s no rinse.

I’ve asked Jonathan Ettlie from Craftmeister to join this thread to answer questions.  He will not be selling or advertising the product here.  If anyone has a problem with his posts, please contact me.

my LD carlson easy clean powder is no rinse…thats why i asked.

Thanks Denny. You’ve got all the good connections.

Interesting.  I obviously am not familair with that stuff.  Wonder how they compare otherwise?

I am a very lucky guy…

Standard chemistry safety rules.  I’ve seen the results of not following this rule (not with our cleaning solutions but other chemicals) and it convinced me why the chem teacher was so adamant about it.  Entertaining as long as you aren’t standing near by.


i don’t know how it compares. IME i dose it at recommended 1 tbls. per gallon, and in a few hours all the crud in my carboy is gone.

My guess is Easy Clean is based on sodium percarbonate just like PBW/OxyClean/and this new stuff. Pure sodium percarbonate would only leave salt and water behind after a long enough period. I’d still rinse, but maybe you don’t need to as much as with oxyclean as it also has other chemicals and perfumes.

could be. ive never rinser, per say. after the cleaning its drains dry and then i hit it with starsan…that in itself may be rinsing…but i never see any residue others speak of with other products.

I always dip stuff in Starsan after cleaning, especially with oxyclean. I find it leaves stuff sparkly.