Just wondering if anybody else is finding the old soda kegs to be too much of a headache and switched over to the new soda kegs? I’m always chasing down some gas leak, repairing something, etc on an old soda keg. This question is very much on my mind as I am noticing the cost for a repair kit and old soda keg are quickly approaching the cost of a new keg.
I made sure I had enough (for now) old kegs so I don’t see myself getting a new one. I did take the worst keg I had and made a bright tank out of it (cut an inch off the dip tube ) so if you have one that won’t hold pressure well, you could at least use it for that. Or for storing 5 gallons of Star San.
I’ve noticed a lot of the “deals” being posted regarding refurbished kegs, and you’re right…they are getting closer to just buying new ones. Hopefully the new ones will continue to drop a little more.
Yeah. Mine all work, but some have oddball parts and they are not pretty. The cheapest new kegs I’ve seen were $180 for a 2/pack. If I had to do it over again, I’d strongly consider that over ordering used kegs off the internet. I’m sure you get the stock nobody wanted to buy in the store when you do that.
At that price point I would have to seriously consider the merits of used. I guess there is benefit in that most of the new ones are a lot flimsier than the old ones which were built to last. on the other hand most of us are not treating our kegs like a 16 year old who is unhappy with his crappy job at mc d’s either so maybe it all comes out in the wash.
Given that so many of the used kegs are now being sold as scrap to china and most of the new kegs are coming from china I wonder how much of that SS was originally in a old keg and got recycled into a new keg?
They were $63 a little while ago. I would buy some but I’ve got enough kegs at a dozen +. Of course, can one ever have enough?
I’ve not ordered from Beverage Elements, but a friend sent me the link.
EDIT: Yes, at this price I would buy new. Kinda fries me as that’s only a little more than my last batch of used a few months ago which needed more reconditioning than usual.
I think you have to weigh the issue of thinning herd too. When many of us bought our used kegs, there were a lot of kegs to choose from. What was considered “Good” condition 7 to 10 years ago would likely be “Excellent” condition today.
The used market is likely getting down to the last drips from an almost empty tank. I don’t think we are too far from there being no usable kegs left in the used market. You see more shops advertizing new kegs now because used are almost nonexistent.
It’s just my opinion, of course. I got my last kegs when you could still get 4 used for $100. I can’t imagine needing more than 14 but if I ever do, I’d probably buy new.
My LHBS said they’ve got their last batch of used simply because of the quality drop. It’s not worth their suppliers time to with the reduced quality of what is available.
Nice thing about the kegs you linked to, they are listed as 8.5" in diameter. Many of the Chinese kegs I see are 9" in diameter. For me it is a big deal as my kezzer can fit four at 8.5" and only three at 9"
Do they appear to be near identical DIMS as the old corny/Italian ball locks?
+1. I have over a dozen and I bought a good number of them back then for ~ that price. They all would be considered in good shape today and once a year get taken apart and o-rings all changed, cleared for service. I’m not paying these new prices for used kegs. Honestly, I have enough kegs (for me) not to need to.
I have a couple of the new ones with the single strap and while they’re nice, they don’t have removable poppets. That bothers me. I’ve read that you can remove them and insert the universal poppets, which is fine, but I question the abilities of the universals.
I also had issues with posts getting stuck and had to send a couple kegs back for replacements.
Having said that, I’d still buy new. I just make sure to put in the comments on the order to make sure the posts can be removed before shipping.
I have 3 used kegs that I got from Midwest about 3 or 4 years ago that were $30 a piece. The prices have doubled in the last 2 or 3 years. It’s crazy.
Might as well buy new.
I paid about $200 for 4 used a while back (it was a sale and this is a rough guess for shipping, parts, etc) and have had nothing but problems since I ordered them. I think I got the rejects of all other shipments…ever…and am regretting it ever since.
Thanks all for your insights I definitely know the way forward from here on.
So, are you saying that the new Italian kegs (which is what I think I linked to) don’t have removable poppets? I did not know that.
I’m transitioning to universal poppets. I like them. They will be my replacements going forward. I’ve got several gas poppets that don’t like to seal and it’s a PITA. I’ve also got three or maybe four different styles of kegs, so the concept of a universal part is very appealing.