No Pants Brewing

How many people on here brew no pants or fly by the seat of your pants?  I try not to but I also like to change things up and sometimes right in the middle of brewing, and sometimes my best beers come from not conforming with the status quo.  :smiley:

I try to have everytihng worked out before hand.  About the craziest thing I do is let the mash sit off a degree or two or add the hops 1 minute to early.

I try to plan and follow the plan as much as possible. Worse thing ever is to create a great beer and have no idea how to replicate it.

For me it was the other way around.  It was  when I tasted one that I just threw together and said “YUK, I should never do that again!” and didn’t realize what “that” was.

Do I really even need to answer this one?  ;D


But I’d like to try it sometime.  ;D

Do it man! It will change your life!!

How about a kilt  :-\

Plan your brew and then brew your plan man ;D

I brew the way I cook. Never the same recipe the same way twice.

and that my friend…is No Pants Brewing.  :wink:

I have winged it to some extent, but most everything is pretty well laid out with beersmith.  So much so that as close to pants free as I’ve gotten is where I overdo the brewhouse libations.

I know I don’t get into real tight measurements on hops and such.

That said, I just got a refractometer and am really excited to work on efficiency.

I need to have repeatability so except for a few brews I plan and follow my plan.

i usually plan upfront, but invariably, i change stuff at the zero hour.

I work all my recipes out on Promash before I brew, but once I start brewing there are always substitutions, mostly with hops.  That’s why I keep the recipe I planned and a logbook with the recipe I actually brewed.

+1 to that.  I don’t worry that I might not be able to exactly replicate a great beer because there are so many great beers out there.

One other thing that allows me to brew no pants, is making small batches.  Since I brew at least weekly, if a batch comes out really rank (not often but it happens) then I don’t worry about dumping it.

My brewing is more infrequent.  Whenever the opportunity presents itself.  I’m brewing twice in three days this weekend but it might be another month before I find a brew day again.  So I try to plan my brews out in as much detail as possible and stick to the plan as much as I can.

I tend to brew infrequently and I’ve found that even the commercial brewreis have difficulty brewing beers to taste the exaoct same.  I really love Founders brewing but even their beers have some variaitoion… I’m brinking their beer now.  (and its killer bere but still I can tell differanace from sixer to sixreor).  :smiley:

Anyway, what was ther question?  :D  I try to brew wihat I like, but sometimesw I seem to try to berw what othter people want and sometimees it works ana sometuimes it dont’.  I love making beer.  ;D

I need a recipe to make notn alcoholeoc or low alcohgolic beer for a family member.  Sruprise, suprises eh?!  :D  Amnyway, sericously if anybody has one I"d appreciate there recippe.

I plan my brew day and print out my recipe from beersmith and stick to it and keep notes if I don’t hit a temp or something else changes.

I usually have my pans on while brewing…