O2 Carbonation Stone Sizing

Looking at inline oxygenation system and trying to figure out which pore sizing for the stones is best. I’m thinking 0.5 micron is better than 2 micron since the bubbles will be smaller and dissolve quicker.  However, the inline system from morebeer.com includes a 2-micron stone, which is apparently not replaceable (at least not by them, according to their customer service).  Any thoughts?

Also, I’m brewing on a nano-nano system (10-gal). I have a Chugger pump I use for transferring from HLT to MLT.  Should I use a pump to transfer wort through plate chiller and oxygenation system, or will gravity work?

Thanks in advance!

I use venturi tube and fill thru CIP ball.
I ferment with this set up 1072 beers with no problem.
Never used O2.

Good luck.

Gravity flow might work, but I wouldn’t go without the pump. Here’s why:

I know you need 4 ft of height just to transfer through a Therminator via gravity. Add additional height to account for the oxygen stone and the fill height of your fermentor and you’re looking at a pretty cumbersome set up.

Just invest in the pump or use the one you already have. That way, you won’t ever have an issue with flow, especially as your system changes.

As far as the pore size, MoreBeer claims you can get 12-15 ppm with the pro setup (the tri-clamp model - is this what you’re referring to?). I trust MoreBeer, but you can always buy it, set it up, run a high gravity batch through it, and test ppm with a (graciously borrowed) DO meter.

It makes sense - you may have bigger bubbles, but you have a higher pressure (from the pump) and more residence time (through piping into tank) to force those bubbles into solution.

I use a Blichmann top tier tower.  The out valve of my boil pot is less than a foot over the therminator.  We use no pumps.  All gravity, and it works just fine.  I don’t know why their manual says 4 ft.  It just ain’t so.

The more I’ve thought about it, and read your posts, I have designed a 3-tier setup where I’ll just use gravity for HLT to MLT, and use the pump for wort through chiller, O2, and into fermenter.  The in-line oxygenation setup I ordered is just a series of “T’s” with an inlet for O2, an inlet for wort, and outlet for wort.  The pro series was sold out (and a bit out of my budget for now).  The stone pore size (as reported by MoreBeer tech support) is 2-micron.  Also, they say you can’t change it out, but we’ll see when it gets here on Wednesday.

Fortunately I work in a field where I use D.O. meters quite frequently.  I can also measure pH, conductivity, temperature, resistivity, salinity, TDS, etc.  I’ll definitely be checking the D.O. when I brew the first batch with it.


Sounds like a good deal to me.

One thing I never understood about gravity sparge systems…

How do you vorlauf? A few heat-safe pitchers and a steady hand?

Just need one.  I have a glass pitcher that I use.  Usually about three times does it.  Sometimes 4.

I would think you would need a spare to catch vorlauf while you empty the other pitcher.

That’s how I did it pre-pump.

I batch sparge so it’s a little different, but I just stop the runoff and pour it back then start running off again.

Yep, I just shut the valve, pour the pitcher back in the top, repeat.  And I batch sparge as well, but I did this exact thing when I used to fly sparge…

I use 2 rubbermaid pitchers I’ve had since my first hacked together fly sparge system.  Basically, start runoff in one pitcher, swap in 2nd one and dump first back in while 2nd fills and repeat.  I also batch sparge now but still use the 2 pitchers.  The only difference is that I only run out about 2 pints before swapping pitchers.  After 3 or 4 swaps I’m good to go.
